2: When opposites attract

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Toni's POV

(2: When opposites attract.)

We just picked our teams and Grundy explained the game to us. 

''You will all get an hour to talk to each other. After that, you will pick your weapons and tools and after that..well, you know'' Dr Evernever says. ''Boys have one room and the girls have one room. The guards will escort you to the cafeteria'' Grundy says. Each guard grabs each one of us and leads us to a very dull cafeteria. We all sit down at one big table. ''Does anybody know those creeps?'' I ask and everyone shakes their heads. 

''Anyway, we're trapped in here. I'm Archie Andrews'' The redhead boy says. ''Reggie Mantle'' Reggie says. ''Betty Cooper'' The blonde says. ''Jughead Jones'' The beanie boy says. ''Josie McCoy'' The dark-skinned girl says. ''Veronica Lodge'' Veronica says. ''Cheryl Blossom''  Cheryl says. ''Toni Topaz'' I say and we all begin talking. 

''Topaz, I need to talk to you in private'' Cheryl says making me raise my eyebrow. We walk to the corner of the cafeteria. ''What's up, Red?'' I ask her and she blushes. ''Why did you pick me? I'm not good at games or whatever'' She says making me grin. ''I picked you because I think you're very smart'' I answer. ''You do?'' She asks me and I nod. ''Hey lovebirds! Come here, we're going to talk about this 'game''' Veronica says. ''Oh my god'' Cheryl says and we walk towards them. 

''So, we can't escape because then we'll be dead. So that means we have to play those games. Whatever happens, I hope there isn't any bad blood'' Betty says and we all agree. Suddenly, a guard walks towards me and pushes four red bands in my hand. ''Your team will be red and the other team will be blue. Put them on and get ready'' He says and I hand my teammates a band. 

Grundy comes out with a cart full of weapons and tools. ''Everyone pick a weapon and tool so we can start the game'' She says and we all stand up, walking to the cart. Cheryl grabs a bow and arrow and an axe, Reggie grabs a baseball bat and a shield, Veronica grabs a taser and a rope and I grab a knife and a spear. Everyone chose their choice of weapon and tool.

''Alright, you will now be transferred to your destination'' Grundy says and after that, we all get infected again.

I open my eyes and see that we're just outside a forest. ''The hell'' Reggie says. We all get up and look around. ''What do we do now?'' Cheryl asks. ''We have to survive the night so I say we find a place to stay and kill whatever we meet'' I suggest and they nod. We all slowly step into the woods and immediately hear a creature growling. Everyone was a bit exploring. I look over at Cheryl and see a zombie behind her. ''Cheryl, watch out!'' I shout and I run towards the zombie, stabbing him before he gets to Cheryl. I turn to look at her and she had a shocked face. ''You okay?'' I aks her and she nods. ''Guys, stay close'' I tell them and they nod. 

After a bit of walking, we see a camp set up. Reggie wants to walk towards the camp but I hold him back. ''There are probably people in there. We have to clear this zone'' I say and he nods. We walk closer and out of nowhere, guards come out, running towards us. We all fight them. Reggie knocks a guard out with his bat, Cheryl charges to a guard with her axe and Veronica tases the crap out of these guards. 

Once every guard was out, we got settled in the camp. I decided to fetch some wood for the fire. Until I saw some guards. ''Crap'' I say and attack them. I stab one guard and kick his gut. One guard punches me in my face and kicks me. I knee him and stab his leg. All of the guards were down. So I go back to the camp. Cheryl looks up as she hears me and looks a bit shocked. ''What happened to your face?'' She asks me. ''Wow, thanks'' I joke and she rolls her eyes, waiting for my response. ''Some guards'' I answer and she nods. 

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