7: Killing Spree

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(7: Killing Spree.)

Honestly, the challenge didn't even surprise me. 

I'll be fine. I just can't be one of the last 2. ''Let's start, shall we?'' Dr Evernever says and snaps his fingers, making guards come out with the weapon cart. ''Pick your weapon of choice'' He says and we all grab a weapon. I got an axe, Cheryl got a bow, Veronica got a hammer, Jughead got a knife, Betty got a crowbar and Reggie got a baseball bat. We all got ready and Dr Evernever transported us to our spawns. 

I landed in the woods at some sort of camp. I decided to walk further and was instantly met by Cheryl and Betty. They noticed me and just looked at me with...fear? I didn't say anything, I just looked. Then, I turned my head back and walked further. I could hear them behind me. ''Cheryl?'' I hear Betty say. ''Yes?'' Cheryl replies. ''I..I can't do this. I can't kill anyone'' She says. ''You're right. I can't either. Maybe, it's better if we both die. It's just a sim'' Betty suggests. ''It's best for the both of us. ''Together?'' Cheryl asked. ''Together'' Betty says. I quickly whirl around but I'm too late. Both of them drop to the ground and fade away slowly. I kneel and catch some ashes of Cheryl.

I stand up and continue to walk. In the distance, I see Veronica leaning against a tree looking nauseous. I quickly run over to her and just as she is about to fall, I catch her. ''Toni'' She whispers grabbing my face. ''Veronica, what happened?'' I ask her. she points to a leaf on the ground. ''Poison'' She whispers and fades away. 

Now it was just Reggie, Jughead and I. ''Well, well, well. Look who we have here, Reg'' I hear Jughead say. They both appear from out of the woods. Jughead with a smirk and Reggie with a face of guilt. ''Yup, we got him'' Reggie says with a sad tone in his voice. ''You chose his side?'' I ask Reggie making Jughead laugh. ''Of course, he did. Did you think he would choose your side?'' He says, getting his knife out. ''I'm sorry, Toni'' Reggie says looking at me, making me shake my head. ''You're not'' I say and he looks down. 

''Aw, how sweet'' Jughead says. ''Sorry, Reg. But I want to kill him myself'' He says, turning to Reggie and shivs him in his chest, making him drop to the ground. ''Reggie!'' I call out but he also fades away. 

''Any last words?'' Jughead asks with a smirk. ''You're not going to win'' I say and he smirks, charging for me and shivs me in my leg. I yelp out in pain and clutch my leg. He smiles proudly. I take my chance and punch him in the face, making him grunt. ''Son of a bitch'' He says, spitting out blood and charges again but I stop him by hitting his side with the other end of my axe, making him crash into a tree.  He groans and stays on the ground. I limp over to him and grab my axe firmly. 

He looks up in horror and closes his eyes. I swing my axe back and just as I am about to hit him...I don't. I drop my axe and it hits the ground with a thump. I drop myself and lean against the tree, clutching my leg that had now gotten worse. I breathe heavily and bend over to check if Jughead is okay. He looks fine so I lean back and I sigh, my vision gets weaker.

Slowly, I open my eyes and get blinded by the light. "He's awake" I hear a voice say. Cheryl, Betty and Veronica walk up to the bed I'm laying in. "Toni, are you okay?" Veronica asks me, pointing towards my leg that was covered. "I'll live" I respond quickly, avoiding eye contact. "What happened?" I ask still not making eye contact.

"You and Jughead fought. Jughead lost, you could've killed him. But you didn't, you spared him" Betty says. "Why didn't you kill him?" She asks. "Why? Because I'm not a murderer" I say "Dr Evernever wants us in the cafeteria as soon as you were awake" Cheryl says. "Let me first talk to him" I hear Octandria say and he appears on my side. "Of course, doctor," Betty says and the 3 leave. "Octandria, what are you doing here?" I ask him and he smiles. "Patching you up," He says.

"You got a bad wound but it'll heal in a few days. You did a great job today, Boy'' He says. "Thanks," I say. "Guards," Octandria says and 2 guards appear. They help me walk towards the cafeteria and as we enter the room, all eyes are on us. ''Great timing everyone!'' Dr Evernever says in excitement. ''As you may notice, Leather Jacket nor Beanie boy got eliminated'' He says and just now I notice Jughead with his arm in a cast. ''Yeah, no shit, Sherlock. What happened?'' Veronica asks in a sassy tone making him laugh.

''I thought I would spare you all for once. We're all having fun, aren't we?'' He says with a smile. ''Not at all'' Cheryl says but Dr Evernever ignores it. ''Because you've all come so far, let's celebrate with a little drink'' He says and holds up a glass of champagne. Guards move around with champagne. ''You do know that we're still in school and not allowed to drink?'' Betty says. ''Ah, of course. We also have non-alcoholic drinks if you'd like'' Dr Evernever replies and the 3 girls all grab a non-alcoholic drink.

''Boys, for you I assume you've already drunk'' He says and all hands us a glass of champagne. Reggie and Jughead look at each other sketchy. ''What are you waiting for? Drink up'' Dr Evernever says, making the 2 drink their champagne. Jughead seems to like it so he drinks the rest in one go.

I pour my drink in a plant nearby and hold it out to show Dr Evernever that I drank everything and he smiles. ''Isn't this nice?'' He says and everyone nods. ''Guys, I don't feel so good'' Jughead says and begins to lose his balance until Reggie catches him. ''Jughead!'' Betty shouts and runs over to him. He can't say anything, he just wheezes and drops his glass, making it shatter in pieces. Now, we all realised what happened.

''You fucking poisoned him?!'' Cheryl shouts at Dr Evernever who was taking a sip of his drink. ''I didn't do anything, he drank the champagne'' He says innocently. ''Jughead, stay with me. Does anybody know anything medical?'' Betty asks. I say nothing but step forward and check his pulse. ''It's too weak'' I speak up in a hoarse voice making me clear my throat. I grab his face and make him look me in the eyes. He looks at me with fear. ''He's got less than 3 minutes'' I add. ''What does that mean?'' Reggie asks. 

''It means that you all have to say your goodbyes''


No hate to Jughead btw. Just needed someone to play the asshole :)

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