6: Practice makes perfect

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(6: Practice makes perfect.)

''What does that even mean?'' I ask. ''Edgar's gone completely mad. I've been here for my whole life. We used to be friends but he threw me away as soon as he got the power. You are the only one that can stop him from killing the entire universe'' He says. ''What the actual hell?''  I ask. ''I know, but you have to practice to stop him from whatever madness he's got in his mind'' He says. ''Okay, but how?'' I ask still clueless. 

''We have to practice every day, no exceptions'' He says. ''You do get that I'm stuck in here with the fear that I'm going to die while 2 of my friends already did?'' I ask him. ''Yes'' He answers normally. ''Alright, fine'' I say and he smiles.

''We'll practice your wood powers'' He begins and gets a broomstick. ''Hold out your hand and focus on the broom'' He says. I take a deep breath in and out, focussing my mind on the broom. Suddenly, I feel something fly into my hands. I look down and see the broomstick from earlier in my hand. ''How?'' I ask Octandria. ''You attract wood'' He replies. ''Sounds...accurate'' I say.

''Let's train your water abilities'' He says and I nod. ''I want you to put your hand in this bucket of water and try to move the water'' He says and puts my hand in the bucket filled with water. It feels...weirder than normal. It feels like my fingers can control the water. So I try to move my thumb and the water slowly circles. I move my whole hand and create a wave. ''Good, now I'm going to do something and you have to stop it'' Octandria says. He creates a bigger waterfall and it almost tips over the edge of the bucket. Quickly, I put my hand in front of the wave and it stops. 

''Good'' He says and puts the bucket of water away. ''The last ability and the hardest one'' He says. ''Why is it the hardest?'' I ask him. ''Octans are the strongest in fire usage. But many died, failing to control the fire'' He replies. ''So, even if I don't die I could always just get burnt to a crisp. Great'' I say in sarcasm.

''Let's start'' He says. ''Wait. Just then I felt something weird with my hands, is that my fire ability?'' I ask and he nods with a smile. ''You're a fast learner, so I reckon you will get this'' He says and I nod.

''This time, we have to focus on our thoughts. We have to start small and build things up'' He says calmly and I nod. ''Hold your hand like this and focus on your thoughts'' He says and I follow him. ''Now, think about something that can tick you off'' He says making me close my eyes and search. The image of Dr Evernever came up but that anger was too big. So I started with something small; my bullies. I always got bullied by these guys named Chuck and Moose. They would tease me about my family and about how poor we are. I was mad because it's true. 

Thinking about that, I get the same tingle again. This time, I try to focus and breathe out. I open my eyes and see that there's a teeny tiny fire forming in my hands. Trying not to freak out, I breathe out again and it starts to feel normal. 

''Amazing'' He says shocked. I laugh shakily and look at Octandria who was also smiling. ''It..it's working!'' I say and he nods proudly. ''Let's stop for now. Tomorrow we'll continue. I believe there is another  'Challenge' ahead?'' He says making me sigh and nod. I was about to head for the door until I got stopped by Octandria's hand on my chest. ''This is the most important thing of being an Octan. Never show what you are. Never use your powers in public or front of anyone, no matter what'' He says in all seriousness. 

''Okay'' I said with a nod making him smile proudly. ''Tomorrow we will meet up again. For now, good luck'' He says and disappears before I can say anything. I sigh and ruffle my hair with my hand. ''Leather Jacket, challenge explanation in the cafeteria in 10 minutes'' Some guard says and walks away. I take a deep breath and open the door, walking towards the cafeteria. I reach the cafeteria and see everyone at the same table as always. They all turn their heads at the sound of me entering. I look over at them and walk further but I don't sit down with them. I just stand there and it got quiet. ''Nice going, dipshit'' I hear Jughead say, raising his voice and hear a few giggles of Betty. 

I could feel all of their eyes stab my back. ''Perfect! Everyone's here'' The annoying voice of Dr Evernever entered with Miss Grundy behind him. ''Welcome, everyone. Time for the next challenge'' He says.

''This challenge will be every man for their own. You all will be spawned randomly and have to fight each other. Of course, this time it's a simulation. But, if there are only 2 players left, the one who gets killed...well, gets killed''



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