13: Jungle Tribes

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"But then again, I wouldn't mind killing four more." The guy said with a smirk.

"It's okay, Joaquin."
A familiar voice said.

"Hey, guys. How are you doing?" He asked with a smile. "I can't believe you're alive," Veronica said and kissed him. "I know. It's crazy." He said.

"Wait. How?" Betty asked.

"Later. They're going to get you guys in and lock you up. But I'll make sure you can talk to the boss here" He said, turning away from Joaquin.

"Come on. Lock 'em up." Joaquin told the other people, and they did as he said. Every one of them got roughly grabbed by their wrists. "Hey, we found some bags of fruits and nuts," One guy said and picked up the bags.

"Get them to Ethel. She'll check if they're edible." Archie said, and the guy nodded. They were now at the gate. And from here you saw how big the village was. At least a hundred people were living here.

"Come on. Keep walking" Joaquin said and slightly pushed Reggie.

They reached the gate, and Joaquin told the guy to open the gate. As they entered, eyes were on them the whole time. It made everyone uncomfortable, but soon, they reached a big building.

They entered the building and went up in an elevator. "How did you make all of this?" Reggie asked. "We didn't. We were lost — defeat by Dr Evernever. Then, out of nowhere, he showed up. He built the place. Started small but it quickly turned into an empire. We all worship him because he saved us" He said.

"Hell, we would all be dead of he didn't take care of us" Joaquin added with a chuckle.

"One question; who is 'he'?" Veronica asked.

"We don't like having to introduce him all the time, so you'll have to see for yourself," Joaquin said, and they reached the very top.

"Hey, Kev"

"Hey" Another guy greeted Joaquin with a kiss. They pulled away, and the guy looked at the four prisoners. "Who are these people?" The Kevin guy asked. "Outsiders. But Archie said they're friends with the boss." Joaquin explained, and Kevin nodded.

"Where were you? Your patrol ended 20 minutes ago" Kevin said. "We found these people and had a little fuss" Joaquin explained.

"I think you should enter first and let the outsiders stay here," Kevin said, and Joaquin nodded and let go of the rope that was tied to the four survivors.

He entered the big room.
"What's happening, Arch?" Cheryl asked. "Boss is getting impatient with Joaquin. Don't worry. You'll get to speak to him" Archie replied.

Sneakily, the four tied up, stood by the door and listened to the conversation on the other side.

"Where were you, Joaquin?" A deep edited voice asked.

''I'm sorry. We were outside and found some outsiders'' Joaquin's voice said. ''And, did they have anything useful?'' The deep voice asked again. ''Yes, about two bags of nuts and berries. Archie brought them to Ethel, and she's searching them'' Joaquin replied.

''And the outsiders?'' 

''They're still here, Sir'' Joaquin said. ''What?!'' The voice yelled. ''Sir-'' Joaquin began but got cut off by the man. ''We don't bring outsiders into our village. It makes us look weak. With how many are they?'' He said sternly. ''just four'' Joaquin answered. 

''Why in the world would you let them in when they're not even with an army? Let them work in the mines; I'm done here'' The man said. ''But, Sir. Archie told me you knew them'' Joaquin said. 

Then, it was quiet for a second. 

''Bring them in'' The voice then said to everyone's surprise. 

''What? Sir, with all due respect, they're outsiders'' Another manly voice said. ''I don't want to hear that, Sweet Pea'' The man replied. 

''Please bring them in, Fangs.'' 

''Of course, Sir'' Another guy said as the door opened. The four looked up and saw an average man, standing with a big guy next to him. The man had a mask on and a black suit, which wasn't that practical in the middle of nowhere. 

Cheryl, Veronica, Betty and Reggie stood there, kind of unsure of what to do. Joaquin motioned them to stand beside him. 

''I can't believe it'' The man said. 

''Joaquin, my apologies'' He added.

''No problem, Sir. Although you might want to take your mask off'' Joaquin said, and the man nodded. ''Of course'' The man said.

He turned to the four confused survivors. 

Then, he slowly took off his mask.


Hint: Unfortunately, the man is not Toni if that's what you thought.

Don't forget to love yourself!

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