11: Conquering the world

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Narrator's POV

''So, we're really doing this?'' Reggie asked. 

'''Hell yeah, we are. There's no turning back now'' Veronica said. 

Betty walked into the room where Reggie, Toni, Veronica and Cheryl were anxiously sitting. ''So?'' Cheryl asked Betty. ''The guards will check our rooms every 30 minutes. They'll be here any minute now, so we have to hurry up'' Betty explained, and Toni got up. ''Okay. So, I just throw a tantrum, and I'll get captured'' Toni said, going over the plan once again. Betty nodded. ''You have to be careful, Toni. We don't know what's going to happen to you, so stay on your watch'' Betty told Toni, and he nodded. 

Tak tak tak

The sound of a baton ticking the walls. 

''They're here'' Toni said and was about to walk out, but he got stopped by Veronica. ''Take this'' She said and pushed a walkie talkie into his hands. ''I don't know how far you're going, but just try to contact us when you can'' Veronica added and Toni nodded before Veronica hugged him tightly. Toni squeezed back and pulled away. 

Toni stood in front of Betty with a small smile, before also hugging her. ''Take care, Betty'' He whispered into her ear. ''You too'' She whispered back with a nod. Toni scooped Cheryl into a big hug and kissed her head. ''Don't cause too much trouble, eh?'' He joked making Cheryl giggle. ''Be careful'' Cheryl told him, and he nodded.

He stood in front of Reggie. Reggie looked unsure of what to do so he just stood there. ''Keep them safe'' Was all Toni said. 

Then, the door handle rumbled. 

Everyone looked into the direction of the door and stood there, waiting for the guard to come in. Toni cleared his through and stood up straight. 

The door swung open and hit the wall forcefully, which made some flinch — ''Room inspecting. To the wall, take your shoes off, jackets off, spread your legs, arms and fingers'' The guard said bluntly. Everyone did as the guard said so. 

Except for Toni.

He still stood there as the rest followed the guard's orders. The guard looked under the beds and in cabinets. Then, he checked the closets, ending with the bathroom. He turned back to the group and saw Toni standing there, his face unreadable. 

''You deaf or something? I said to the wall'' The guard said harshly. 

''I don't follow orders from crap bags like you'' Toni replied, in which the guard chuckled. ''I have way more power than you think'' He said and hit Toni with his baton.

Everyone gasped and looked in shock. ''What? Get to the wall, or you'll get some'' The guard warned, and they stood to the wall. Toni groaned, holding his cheek. ''Are you done, misbehaving?'' The guard asked. 

''I could do this all day'' Toni said as he spat out some blood. 

Another hit.

And another one. 

Hit his knee this time. 

Toni yelled in pain and sat on his knees. ''I think I found the first beast'' The guard said and grabbed a needle out of his pocket. Toni looked to the side and saw his friends look at him in horror. Toni gave them an assuring nod and then, the needle entered his neck. A green liquid entered his veins. At this point, Toni was yelling, his whole body shaking like he was having a seizure. 

It was a strange feeling. As all of the liquid entered Toni, the needle exited his skin.

As soon as this happened, Toni felt relieved, and his whole body felt numb. His friends froze. What the hell just happened? 

Then, Toni's lifeless body dropped with a thump on the ground.


Why am I so dark. 

Is Toni dead? 

What's going to happen to the remaining four?

Vote or comment if you want another chapter!

Don't forget to love yourself and I'll see you next time!

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