Till death do us part{Hargreeves}

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I could feel tears begin to form in my eyes as I looked at myself in the mirror. I've never had so many different emotions at one time.
"Hey Y/n, don't cry. Don't wanna ruin your makeup right?" Allison giggles. She wipes the slight tears flowing down my face and smiles at me. "You look beautiful." I look at her shining face in excitement.
"Thank you Allison, also we need to find Vanya it's going to start soon." I said sniffling a little. Allison laid her hand on my cheek and rubbed it with her thumb.
"You're gonna do great." She said grabbing my hand and leading me with her to find Vanya.

As Allison opened the door Vanya was standing outside as she was about to open the door to us.
"Hey guys." She said. "Everyone's ready, are you?" She was wearing a maroon suit much like the guys', while Allison was wearing a shorter maroon dress. Having them as my bridesmaids was all I could ask for. They were so important to me.
"I-I think so..." The girls began to walk out the door as I followed.

Pogo was waiting for us outside of the door and smiled as he saw me.
"You look beautiful Miss Y/n, or should I say soon to be Mrs." I giggled at his comment and he continued. "Your Brother is waiting for you in front of the doors." I nodded as we walked to find him. Out of all the people to walk me down the aisle, why choose Diego? Well, because he was very much like a Dad. Something about him made it so fitting.
Diego was usually a hard stoned person, but I still wanted him to walk me to the love of my life.
We slowly made our way too him, making sure I didn't trip on my dress. When he saw me, I swear I saw a gloss to his eyes.
"Hi Diego..." I say admiring his stoned features. I smiled gently at him.
Out of no where he had tears gliding down his face. This had all of us shocked to the core. He never cried, or showed his emotions.
"You look...astonishing Y/n." He complimented like a real brother. He was wearing a suit like Vanya and he looked handsome. It was an upgrade.
"Thank you, you too, nice too see you not wearing spandex." I teased as he playfully glared at me. He smiled at me before linking his arm with mine and leading the way. Klaus and Luther were waiting with the girls.

(Cue the music, play it a few times if u have to.)

I was looking at the bottom of my dress nervous as ever, as Luther began to open the doors into the courtyard. Luther walked arms linked with Allison, as did Klaus and Vanya. Everyone looked amazing.
Diego and I waited just around the door making sure no one could see us. Apparently the bride has to have all the attention according to Klaus, so here we are.
While standing with Diego, all I could think about was the fact that Ben wasn't here to share the moment with us. I missed him so much, but I knew he was standing next to Klaus, patiently waiting to see me. I knew his spirit was around.
The staff member nodded at us, signalling us to walk. I looked at Diego and he smiled.
"You'll do great, I promise." He reassured. At that, we began too walk down the aisle.

I looked up from my feet and saw Five. He was standing there in a beautiful maroon suit. He looked perfect. I smiled at him as I saw tears begin to form in his eyes, making them glossy. He wiped his eyes with his hands and laughed, slightly embarrassed at his crying. I shook my head while chuckling slightly. I just gazed at him lovingly.
It finally hit me, the reality I was waiting for. And no, it wasn't bad, it was amazing. I finally realised I was about to marry the one man I loved most in my life. Five Hargreeves.
Diego and I gently took our steps along the aisle as we reached the end.
Five had the biggest smile I've seen since he proposed to me. It made me happy, happy too know I will spend the rest of my life with him, have his children, and grow old with him.
Diego took both my hands in his and lightly kissed me on the forehead.
"Thank you Diego." I said while looking into his eyes. I've never seen him this emotional in all my life.
"I love you, and I'm proud of you. Remember that." I giggled at him, as he was an emotional mess.
"I love you too, big brother." I know, we're the same age, but I've always thought of him as my big brother. He looked over to five, gave him a nod of approval and walked to stand with the others. I walk to Five as he grabs my hands as Diego had before. He leans into my ear and whispers, "You look...amazing."
"Thank you, you look handsome." I whisper back to him.
Pogo begins the vows, reading from his book.
"We are gathered here today in the face of this company, to join together Five Hargeeves and Y/n Hargreeves in matrimony; who will be making a pledge to each other, to be true, faithful, loving and devoted to one another.
Y/n, please begin." He announces. I nod and Vanya hands me the note with my vowels written along the paper.

"Five Hargreeves, you are my best friend. From day one of our Fathers training us till we were broken, the pain of the tattoos we share on our wrists, and the missions that we fought for our lives in...you have protected me, loved me, and cared for me." I begin to feel tears sting my eyes. As I choked on my words. "When you left...I thought I couldn't go on without you. But, I knew I had to be be strong for you, because I had known you would come back no matter how long it took you. And you did." I looked up to see him with tears running down his face rapidly. "Don't cry baby." I pleaded. He nodded and so I continued. "No one, not even God can explain the feeling I get when you're around, and when we hold physical contact, it's like everything around me just disappeared and your my world.

You are the peanut butter to my marshmallow, therefore without you I'd be lost. And now I want you to remember this; Today I will be marrying my best friend. The one I have laughed with, the one I have cried with, the one I have chosen to love till death do us part, bare my children with and grow old with, the one I will die for.
I couldn't ever ask for more than to marry you, Five. To marry the man who made me the person I am today.
Thank you for loving me, cherishing me, supporting me and so many things I can't name.
I will love you for the rest of my life." I folded the paper and looked up at Five, new tears gliding down my tear stained face. He sniffled and mouthed "I love you." To me. I chuckled slightly as he reached for his vows.

"Y/n Hargreeves, as much as I look like a millennial, I don't feel like one unless I'm with you. With you, the grumpy old man I am inside fades away and I feel young and happy again. As much as I'd love to hide it, you make me feel vulnerable, weak to my knees. So much so that when we were younger, if I looked to you on missions I would be easily distracted as you are my weakness, so kindly...stop." He giggled as did everyone else. "You are the marshmallow to my peanut butter sandwich, the coffee to my water, and the griddy's to my donuts."

(Fives P.O.V)

I looked up to see tears once again filling her E/c eyes that were staring into mine. "I promise to protect you even when you don't need it, to guide you through the rough and difficult times ahead, and to love you as well till death do us part. When we're grey and old, remember that I will love you the same as I always have and will, you will still be my beautiful Y/n, the love of my life. And that will never change.
I promise to give you a less dysfunctional family than ours." All of my siblings giggled as did the audience. "The 45 years of my time that I was gone, I didn't miss anyone more than you. You were what kept me going, made me eat cockroaches and old Twinkie's. You were what made life worth living.
I love you so much for that Y/n, more than you can imagine."

(Third person P.O.V)

Tears had filled the siblings eyes, and most of the audience for that matter. Y/n and Five truly loved each other, no one could explain how much and everyone knew that.
Pogo began to recite the rest of the vows.
"Do you, Y/n Hargreeves take Five Hargreeves to be your lawfully wedded Husband?" These words had brung the reality of this even more to Y/n and Five than before.
"I do..." she confirmed. Pogo looked over to Five and began again.
"And do you, Five Hargreeves take Y/n Hargreeves to be your lawfully wedded wife?"
"I do..." Five and Y/n were staring into each other's eyes, admiring the love they had for each other. Pogo handed them their rings and they were ever so close to being officially wedded. Five slowly slid the ring onto Y/n's soft hand and Y/n did the same for Five.
"Five?" He looked over to Pogo. "You May now kiss the bride." Five quickly shifted his gave to Y/n, and soon they were locked in a soft kiss that sealed their marriage. Confirming their faith, unity and love for each other.


A/n- Hey everyone, emotional chapter right? Yeah so I've been wanting to write a wedding scene forever and decided I'd do it with the Hargreeves. Hope you enjoyed and I didn't make you cry to much. Love you all xx

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