As Long As I'm Alive {Tom Holland}

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"Wait no I'm not ready!" Tom shouted as the photo was taken.
"You're never ready for photos, have you seen the ones from when we went skiing." I joked. He gave a quick scoff and smirked.
"Not like you're any better." he mumbled under his breath. I smacked him jokingly offended. We walked out of the photo booth and stood waiting for the pictures to be printed.

"Your eyes are closed on this one!" I giggled looking at him smiling.
"I wasn't ready!" he defended. We continued to point out things in the photos before walking to investigate the rest of the fair.

We walked past a few prize winning games not bothering to play.
"Those are rigged." Tom chuckled pointing at the games. Being with Tom makes me really happy. There's no way I can explain what it's like spending my time with him. It honestly just feels like no one else is in existence and everything feels surreal, like I could spend the rest of my life with him. Which I wish he knew but I'm scared he wouldn't feel the same. The fear of if I told him and it ruined our friendship because he only wanted to be friends would crush me into a million pieces.

Tom suddenly stopped in front of me and pointed behind him to the Ferris wheel.
"Please?" He asked. I shook my head because of my fear of heights. "Come on please, do it because you love me" he begged.
"Fine. Fine. You owe me." I gave in. He's right, I love him. 

We walked towards the Ferris wheel paying the money and climbing into the carriage.
"Don't be scared okay, it's really safe and you have me. Besides, if we die we die together." He said trying to make me feel better. I chuckled at his effort even though it barely helped.

As the carriage started to rise I got more and more tense. It must have been visible because Tom placed his hand over mine and gave it a squeeze.
"Hey it's alright. Look at me" he said. I turned from our hands to look into his eyes. They really did sparkle brightly. Just like in those cheesy fanfics written about him. And yes, I have read one or two. They're interesting.
But the way he just gazed almost like he was in a trance was so exciting. It made me feel like the only time that existed was then in that moment.

It felt like we had only been there for a minute but turns out we were actually nearly at the top. I quickly snapped out of the trance.
"Look! We're at the top!" I pointed out towards the view. Tom turned towards it making the carriage shake a little.
"Woah it's beautiful" he commented.
"Not nearly as beautiful as me" I joked.
"No you're way more gorgeous compared to this" he froze as he realised what he'd said. My heart skipped a beat when I realised he wasn't joking.

"Sorry I didn't mean it like that" he fumbled. I blushed slightly, looking down so he wouldn't notice. "Look, the truth is I really like you. More than I've liked anyone. Even love maybe. I just didn't want to tell you because I wouldn't want it to ruin our friendship, you mean so much to me and it would hurt so bad to lose you." I looked up to him and smiled. Hearing those words come out of his mouth gave an incredible amount of happiness.

"I really like you too, Tom. I didn't tell you either because of that. But now I know" I smiled.
"So what now?" He asked.
"I say once this terrifying ride ends we get ice cream to celebrate" I suggested. Personally I thought it was a great idea.
"To celebrate what?"
"Not dying on this wheel of death" I joked. He looked at me puzzled and slightly offended. "I'm kidding. Celebrating our undying love for each other" I over exaggerated the 'undying'.
"Oh right. I totally knew that" he scratched the back of his head embarrassment. I giggled at his awkwardness, it's one of my favourite traits of his.


Once we got off the ride it was a challenge to find and ice cream parlour but we did eventually find one.

"I can't believe you'd get strawberry ice cream that is the worst flavour" I picked on him.
"Y/ got pistachio. What are you the queen of England?"
"Maybe I am. What's it to you" I added. We burst into laughter at our roasting of each other.

After walking for a few minute we sat at the end of the dock dangling our legs over the water.
It felt good finally telling him how I feel, and to know he felt the same was even better.
I felt his hand slide over mine and hold it as we sat there. I blushed at our hands touching. We always hug and put our heads on each other's shoulders. But this time it's different, because it involves feelings.

The rest of the night we spent talking and talking about so many things. It was amazing.
"Tom" I said.
"Thank you for sticking with me through everything. You mean the world to me."
"You mean even more. I'll always stick with you. As long as I'm alive."

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