Hate {Finn Wolfhard}

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@finnwolfhardoffical just posted!

@finnwolfhardoffical just posted!

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finnwolfhardofficial You're my world ❤️


User1 God I wish he'd just realise he's in love with Millie. Y/n's so disgusting.

User3 Y/n's such a damn slut 🤢

User4 Can we all agree she can go die in a hole?!
-Gahdammit well Thank hell someone said it.
-Ahchicken Omg I know right?!
-User5 no, no we can't. But you

User6 I love Y/n so much, not sure what everyone's problem is.


Y/n looked up from her phone, mixed emotions invading her head.
"Dammit." She mumbled. This girl could never understand why people hated her so much. She never did anything to Finns fans for them to hate her, she just couldn't understand it. Not only were people calling her a slut and telling her to die in a hole, but she was getting serious death threats in her dms. People saying they'll kill her if she doesn't break up with him. And again, she couldn't understand why.

But the one thing she did understand is that she has to do something to stop the hate. So she officially decided to post a video on her account to try and end the pain. It would be hard but Y/n knew she could do it.

The camera was set in front of the mirror, aimed at Y/n. She clicked record and the red button signalled her to start.
"Hey everyone, as you know I'm Finns girlfriend..." she looked up to the camera, her hands shaking and her eyes worried. "I know that for that fact, a lot of you hate me and I'm not sure why you hate me for that reason. If I did say or do anything it would be great if you told me so I could fix it, but at the moment I'm not sure." She took a deep breath in ready to begin once again. "Maybe one of the reasons is that I haven't known him from the beginning of his career like most of you?
Look, I get it, I haven't supported him for as long as everyone else and that sucks, so I'm sorry, but I love him just as much as you guys. Even more now. But that doesn't make me any less supportive than you or anyone as a matter of fact.

Guys I know that I might be ugly, but I couldn't give one crap. If I spend my days focusing on the fact that I may be ugly, where is that gonna get me? How will it make my life better? It won't. So telling me that I'm ugly or stupid or any crap like that effects me more than you can imagine when I'm trying my hardest to not care. Yeah I care if I look nice and decent, but if my boobs are small-oh well-, if my waist isn't tiny enough, well god dammit then I'll be anorexic.
So I'm sorry if I'm not good enough for you, but I'm trying my hardest to be and if it isn't enough, then I don't know what is." She took a short pause contemplating her next words.

"Hurting me is...hurting Finn as well. Mainly because he sees the effect it has on me. If I was Finn I'd be upset that my fans are hurting someone I love." Y/n's words come off not rude or arrogant, but soft and pleading. "So basically, I get it if you don't like me and all, and that's fine. But please for the love of all things sweet, don't break down my confidence. Ignore me if you have to. Don't purposely come to my account to tell me I'm fat or ugly. Because that's what hurts the most."

"Anyway, I hope you all understand. I'm meaning this in the nicest way possible, not rude or anything like that. I love you guys so much. Please support Finn in everything and anything because he deserves the world. Bye!" She waves to the camera and clicks it off. I small sigh escapes her lips.

Her thumb hovers over the post button contemplating it, quickly pressing it she slams down her phone in adrenaline.
Y/n hoped that this would hopefully have an effect on people so that she wouldn't get dms telling her to kill herself or to slit her own throat.
Her heads shifts to her phone when she hears the buzzing of notifications filling the bathroom.
Hesitantly picking up her phone, she looks at the notifications on her post.


User1 well look what we've done

User2 we're so sorry. We had no idea it was actually effecting you.
             -User5 what did you I think it was doing to her dumbass? Showering her with love?

User5 Why does everyone have to be so nasty. She's a human too.

User6 we love you and are always here for you. Everyone who hurts u is an uncultured swine.

User10 Oh no it's hurting Finn?
               -User7 are you aware it's also hurting Y/n
                 or are you deaf?

User8 I post polls on my story if your bored.
             -User5 What no- this is not the time or
               place. Get wrecked.


Y/n placed her phone back down, relieved that the torment might stop. She thought back to user5's comments and giggled.

She was about to get up when Finn burst through the door.
"Y/n! Are you ok?!" He panicked grabbing her face looking into her eyes.
"I'm fine, baby." She smiled lightly at him.
"I'm so sorry I had no idea it hurt you this much. You hide your emotions too well." He muffled into the crook of her neck while hugging her.
"I'm fine Finny, trust me." She ran a hand through his dark, curly hair. Finn pulled away looking into her eyes once again.
"Promise?" He asked his thumb and index finger lifting her chin up.
"I promise." She confirmed, leaning in to kiss him. Their lips in a soft dance with each other. "I love you." She mumbled after pulling away.
"I love you more, baby."


A/n- ok yes that was short but wasn't it kinda cool? I mean like hate sucks right? Yeah of course haha. Anyway hope you liked it. Love you all xx

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