New years kiss{Aidan Gallagher}

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"I have a surprise for you." Aidan giggled.
"Oh yeah?" You had known Aidan since you were small and running around with pigtails in your hair. You were always best friends and no one could change that. Walking hand in hand, sharing juice box's and sleepovers were normal for you two.
As you had gotten older, though, the love you had for him had grown stronger. Into a love that changes you for the better.
The sight of him gave you a fluttering feeling in your stomach and whenever he was around, you were at your happiest.
When you touched it felt as if you were on cloud nine. You'd never believed Aidan had loved you back in that way, although you wished he did.

On this special day known as New Years Eve was always a highlight for you and Aidan. But this time, it would be even better than the times before.

Aidan drove you down to the city, full of big lights and busy streets. To you, the city was perfect. You loved the way buildings reflected off others in the night, the buzz of chatter in cafes or fancy restaurants.
Some might think that Paris or Hawaii were romantic, but to you it was the city. The city captured all these amazing moments and memories that it held in it, keeping a tight hold on them as if it was a secret.

After driving to an unknown place, Aidan opened your door like a gentlemen too which you laughed, seeing that he was usually the opposite.
He grabbed your hand and pulled you out of the car. Once out, he blindfolded you.
"Aidan, please don't do something mean or embarrassing to me." You giggled knowing his tricks.
"Y/n this is the complete opposite, you'll love this trust me." Yes, of course you trusted Aidan. But knowing him he's probably got some dumb prank up his sleeve.

He grabbed your hand and carefully guided you through an unknown place and eventually stopped.
"Ready?" He said excitedly. You nodded in response and he removed your blindfold.
No, not a prank.
There stood before you the beautiful city. The entirety of it sitting below you. You looked in awe at the shining lights that blurred and twinkled in your eyes. "Might wanna close your mouth, don't wanna catch flies." You glared at him playfully before turning back to the view.

There sat a picnic blanket with candles on the ledge of the building.
"Aidan this is really...beautiful. Why did you do this?" At this point you were blushing and had butterflies filling you. This had brought your love for him to a whole other level you never thought was possible.

You looked at him, admiring his features. His beautiful, deep eyes that cast a spell on you, the cute dimples which you so much adored, and his smile that brought happiness to you.
You loved who he was. The caring softy he was in the inside had been hard to find, but you did it because you were Aidan's weakness.
You were the one thing that brought Aidan to his knees. The times when you were sick or hurt, he couldn't bare to keep away. He would worry for you 24/7. Knocking at your door or texting you every five minutes to see if you were ok or needed anything.
He loved to stare into your E/c eyes, trying to figure out what you were thinking as if it was a puzzle. All this time, he had also thought you didn't love him more than a friend. Yet, you were both wrong.

"Well I thought I'd make this New Years special. Just for you and I. And because I need to te-" He was interrupted by loud shouts of counting down. "Never mind, it's about to happen!" He shouted excitedly. Throughout the suspenseful count down, Aidan was more than nervous. Sweaty palms and a racing heart.
"Eight!" The crowd shouted excitedly. "Seven!" Y/n began to join in. "Six!" Aidan could feel himself blushing already. "Five!" Huh, ironic. "Four!" No longer could he back away from his plan. "Three!"
Y/n looked excitedly at the lights of the city. Waiting for the explosions of other colourful lights. "Two!" So close. "One!" At that the crowd started cheering of happiness and celebration. Y/n watched as the lights shot into the sky, making many different shapes and colours.
"Y/n?" Aidan mumbled. You turned to him with a bright smile. Suddenly, you felt a pair of soft lips attach to yours. You could feel the ecstasy course through your veins. At that moment, all the butterflies disappeared, every worry, every anxiety was no longer present. At that moment, you knew not only did you love him, but he loved you too.

You deepened the kiss, tasting his chapstick ever so slightly. Until pulling away, your foreheads resting together.
"I-" you tried to speak but nothing came out.
"I love you Y/n, so much." Aidan spoke softly, finished your sentence. In this moment you knew you needed nothing more but to be with Aidan forever.
"I love you too."


A/n-Guys, I did it. I finally made an imagine.
Don't come at me because it's short, I had a hard time figuring out what to do so I know it's absolute crap. Anyway hope you liked it. Love u all xx

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