✅ Chapter 5 - 'No, I'm walking.'

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Episode- Magic Bullet

Lillian sat under a weeping willow tree with an old old book sitting on her lap, a white dress adorned her body, hugging her curves and hung off her shoulders. She slowly stood up holding the book closely to her chest as she walked somewhere, her bare feet gently padding against the soft grass of the meadow she was in. She walked up to the rather large house that was in front of her before gently pushing the door open coming face to face with a rather tall female with dark brown hair and dark hazel almost gold eyes that matched Lillian's.

'Lilly-dear, come eat. We need to talk.' The woman said and Lillian nodded sitting at the island.

'What is it mama?' Lillian asked placing the book down.

'I just want to look at you for a minute before we talk." She answered before staring at Lillian. 'Okay, do you see this book?'


'You need to find it. It will help with everything, Draciana.'

'It's right here? Why do I need to find it?' Lillian asked and laughter filled the air and it was breathy and light, much like Lillian's when she actually laughs.

'It won't be there when you wake up, my love.'

'Who are you, mama?' Lillian asked.

'Renya.' Renya answered smiling at Lillian.

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