✅ Chapter 12 - Well... that's unfortunate

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Episode - Formality
Stiles' POV

We got to school quicker than I expected, yes I was going the speed limit.

"Jackson. You look handsome." Lydia commented as Lillian clings to my arm as she attempted to get out of my jeep, and I feel terrible for thinking it's funny watching her.

"Obviously. It's Hugo Boss." Jackson scoffed before walking off.

"I don't care. I don't want compliments. I will not fall prey to society's desire to turn girls into emotional, insecure neurotics who pull up their dresses at the first flattering remark." Lydia huffed standing taller.

"Well, we think you look beautiful." I stated and Lillian nodded in agreement.

"Really?" Lydia asked before she left us to find her date.

Lillian nearly fell a few times while we walked to the gym doors. It got kind bad to the point she took off her heels, which was all the more amusing to me.

"You do know you have to put those back on, right?" I asked and got the stink eye causing me to laugh.

"It's not funny these shoes are evil." Lillian whined as I calmed down.

"Okay, okay. If you put them back on I won't let you fall, I'll be with you every step of the way. Literally." I smiled and she looked all over my face before nodding and putting the shoes back on. "See not so hard." I said as she held onto my bicep, not going to lie with how hard she's squeezing it there's going to be a bruise. She stumbled slightly and I quickly grabbed her waist holding her still. "Let's get you to a chair so you don't fall, yeah?" She nodded before we walked to the chairs that lined the bleachers.


"Do you want to go dance?" I asked looking at Lillian curiously and watched a look of horror form on her face. "I promise I won't let you fall just like earlier, Lilly." I said and the look of horror never left her face.

"No." Lillian shook her head and I understood, she's never worn heels before and the first time she does she's in like 6 inch heels, but I'm dancing with her before the end of the night.

"Okay, you know what. Get the hell up, we're dancing. That's final." I ordered and she looked at me rather impressed that I was trying to order her around.

"No, not only am I going to die if I walk, I also can't dance." Lillian lied and I rolled my eyes standing up turning to face her.

"Liar, I've seen you dancing. You're good, Lilly, so amuse me." I said standing up and holding out a hand for her. I watched her bit her bottom lip before giving a small nod and taking my hand.

"If I die it's on you." Lillian huffed as she stood up and lead me to the floor.

"Yes!" I whispered jerking my hand to the side as she pulled me to the 'dance floor'. Lillian turned to face me as a slow song started to play in the background, and if this isn't the perfect timing for what I have planned I don't know what is. We danced while Scott was getting yelled at by Coach, which by the way hysterical to watch. I stiffened when Lillian moved closer to me and laid her head on my shoulder tightening her arms around my neck slightly. "I'm gonna ramble and you're going to listen, okay?" I whispered into her ear earning a small hum in return, "I'm sorry about earlier, the not kissing back thing. You surprised me and I was going to kiss back then I chickened out and didn't. I really want to kiss you again and I want to be more than friends, it's okay if you don't feel that way, so I'm asking may I become your boyfriend?" I asked looking at the side of her head. I watched her eyes widen as she stared at my neck.

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