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Jin's eyebrows twitched violently at the sound his little brother was making.

"Taehyung," Jin warned at nothing in particular. Because really, what could he warn his little brother for just from the scratching sound of a knife against a plate, kill him?

Taehyung who was cutting the beef on top of his plate rather too eager, asked in a flat tone. "What,"

"Don't what me. What's wrong with your table manner?" Seriously, you didn't have to cut the beef with that unnecessary much of a pressure. You could just cut the beef easily with a dull knife and a gentle press. The sound Taehyung was making intentionally almost made Jin's eardrums ripped apart.

Jin almost smirked despite the situation. Their family members somehow were sadists by nature. If they were suffering from something, the people around them must suffer as well.

Taehyung stopped. "I'm pissed, okay?"

Jin rolled his eyes uncharacteristically. "Oh really? I can't see that," the oldest replied sarcastically.

"Good, now shut up."

Here Jin thought that the screeching sound would stop.

"Taehyung!" Jin couldn't understand how Taehyung's mind worked. He said shut up but still keeping on making that screeching sound. Just, what on earth?

"Father and mother have already promised to have dinner with us together and now what? It's just the two of us, as always." Taehyung snapped. The beef was staring at him mockingly and it somehow pissed Taehyung off even more.

Jin sighed. "They are busy, Tae. Besides, they did call us about that."

"Oh, for fuck's sake, hyung."

"Watch your mouth, Taehyung." Jin's voice had turned several octaves down, sounded dangerous.

Taehyung meanwhile sent his big brother a death glare only to think that it was pointless so he murmured disappointedly. "Fuckers."

Their parents had promised them to have dinner together a week ago and they eventually didn't show up, like they always did. Wow, how surprising.

What did he honestly expect? That they would finally show up? Probably they would, in another alternate universe.

"They fucking promised..." Taehyung scoffed bitterly at his somehow offending beef. He jabbed the meat with his fork a few times, repeatedly, like the beef was the ultimate cause of all the problems in the world.

"Promise is bound to be broken, Tae... It's like, an unspoken cosmic rule..."

"Yeah, so tell me where exactly the love is. Or is it just yet another one of your sweet-talking techniques, hyung?" Taehyung mocked as he looked up with a smirk but it didn't reach his eyes. Their parents' absence was not the first time that had happened.

About two weeks ago the same promise was made by their parents, which of course was yet again canceled due to the business matter. Apparently, their business matters were more important than their sons. Taehyung was okay, though, because there was nothing he had to talk anyway. Besides, they did promise that they would make it up for the next week. The next week then came, which was that day and yet they found themselves sitting on the dinner table just the two of them when it was supposed to be four. It just got to be the day where he had something important he wanted to discuss.

"They love us, Tae. Trust me."

Taehyung rolled his eyes. "How so?" Taehyung scoffed. "Is it by filling our bank accounts to the max? So they think that we are happy with that? Maybe you, hyung, but not me." Taehyung shook his head. He was disappointed, very disappointed... "Money can't but everything..."

Jin shook his head as well. "You still don't understand, Tae... No matter how much I explain to you about this, even if my mouth starts foaming, you would still never understand." Jin said, but deep down he hoped that his little brother would understand it someday, about love. Maybe not from him, maybe not their parents, but Jin hoped that Taehyung would find someone who was willing to show him what love is.

"That's bullshit, hyung. They clearly have brainwashed you..."

"Trust me, Tae... You-"

"There is no such thing called love, okay?" Taehyung cut him off before he continued again.

"It's either an obsession or obligation." Obsession, like how his fangirls did, praising and worshiping him. They could even kiss the path he had walked on. Obligation, just like how his parents did, becoming money-machines. Producing money. They then blindly misinterpreted the act as love.

Taehyung remembered when Jin explained to him how their parents loved them, so ten years old Taehyung asked what exactly love is. Jin answered as smooth as he always did, with, love is; when you cared to others. You are ready to jump off of a cliff for others if they asked you to. You are willing to sacrifice everything you have for others, especially for someone you love.

If that's the case, then, his parents would postpone their business matters for their sons in a heartbeat then, if they loved them, no?

Oh, Jin-hyung... You are such a sweet-talker, aren't you?

Again Jin had said that besides Pride, Their family was based on love. The Kims weren't the type of people who would fall in love easily. However, when they fall in love, they fall hard. The Kims were also very possessive.

Did he agree about the pride and possessiveness but love?

Jin was silent by that. No matter how thorough he explained in detail about love, Taehyung would never understand. Taehyung was just too stubborn for that matter, so Jin gave up trying to convince his little brother.

"My college starts next week and I need them to help me," Taehyung whispered, suddenly the appetite was gone. "But here I am, all alone..."

"You still have me," Jin interrupted.

Taehyung nodded, "I'm going to the dorm."

Jin raised his eyebrow.

Taehyung shrugged, feeling like a little brother again in front of Jin. "I mean, that way I don't have to go back and forth from this unrealistic gigantic mansion to the university."

"Where did you apply?"

Taehyung looked up from his plate to his big brother. "Seoul National University."

"Oh, so you are moving to Seoul?"

Taehyung nodded. "I have my motorbike. I can always come back if you want." Taehyung shrugged again.

Jin shook his head. "I will visit you instead if I want to. I will call."

Taehyung nodded again, as he felt relieved washed over him after talking to his big brother. Jin was a calm person when it came to facing problems, which easily could make Taehyung's temper under control.

However, Taehyung still didn't believe in love. That word was a taboo and would always be for him and none could change that.

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