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It was around three in the evening, and the sky was cloudy and the weather was windy. Jungkook watched Taehyung's fine posture of a body from behind as a soft wind blew past Jungkook's entire body, sending shivers down his spine. Jungkook didn't know why he shivered if it was because of the wind or the memory how those strong broad shoulders supported his legs as Taehyung pounded into him.

Jungkook shook his head as he followed Taehyung toward a big mansion that Jungkook believed only existed in Mangas. Jungkook was stopped in his track to stare at the mansion in awe.

"Where are we again?" Jungkook asked mouth half opened at everything he laid his eyes on.

Taehyung who was on the lead, stopped as well to look behind him, smiling. "Daegu. Now, follow me. We will talk there," Taehyung informed as he pointed at the balcony on the second floor of the left side of the mansion. Jungkook just didn't know which one (because there were like five balconies to where Taehyung had pointed).

The younger could only nod and did as he was told, following Taehyung.

When they were inside, Taehyung led them to a complicated route that Jungkook was sure if he were to be left there alone, he would be lost.

Eventually, they arrived in front of a mahogany door.

"This is my room. I spent almost my entire life here," Taehyung said as he unlocked the door and opened it, letting Jungkook entered first before he followed behind, closing the door back in the process.

"Come," Taehyung took Jungkook's hand in his and began leading the younger to the balcony. The balcony was spacious, with railings around, the front garden as the scenery. Two chairs were positioned in the right way with a coffee table in between.

Jungkook was sure that they would occupy the chairs when Taehyung made Jungkook sat on between his thighs instead. Jungkook was blushing furiously at the act but chose to say nothing about it. Taehyung eventually circled his arms around Jungkook's tiny waist, Taehyung's chin rested on Jungkook's shoulder.

"Have you noticed the lack of living being in this ridiculously big mansion? I grew up here..." Taehyung started after he was comfortable in his position, ghosting his breath on Jungkook's ear making Jungkook shudder.

Eventually, Jungkook made himself comfortable sitting between Taehyung's spread legs by resting the back of his head on Taehyung's broad shoulder.

"My parents are always away, even now. I can even count on how many times I see them in my whole life. Sometimes I even forget how they look like but you know, family pictures existed, that's how I remember their faces."

Jungkook peeked at Taehyung from his shoulder, who was looking at ahead somewhere in particular before Jungkook followed the elder's gaze.

"I have a brother," Taehyung continued. "But I'm sure that he isn't somewhere in this house either right now. At least, my brother always has my back whenever I need him. He is the only person that keeps watching over me, no matter how busy he is. He will cancel anything in his hands in a heartbeat if I call him right now. But you know, sometimes you need your parents. Like when you enter high school, on your graduation day, and the day when you enter university."

Jungkook then remembered what Yoongi had mentioned once to him about Taehyung.

"Where are they?" Jungkook asked with eyes closed, too comfortable sitting in that position with Taehyung. The soft wind didn't help the situation. Jungkook was sure if Taehyung weren't talking, Jungkook would have fallen asleep in an instant.

"Work, like they always do. I sometimes believe that they aren't real, to begin with. All they do is work, work, and work. My brother said that they do that because they love us, which I think is bullshit."

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