Can't Tell Anyone - (Chapter 2)

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Meliodas' P.O.V

I had gone back to bed, luckily not waking Elizabeth in the process. I could've sworn I heard Ban's voice when I left the bathroom, but I brushed it off as a figment of my imagination.


I stretch and yawn, having undone the ropes last night after my nightmare. I got up and opened a window, breathing in the fresh morning air.

"Sir... Meliodas..." A tired mumble came from behind me. I turned around to see Elizabeth mumbling my name in her sleep.

'Heh, cute.'

I hear footsteps coming towards Elizabeth and I's room from Ban's room. Soon enough, there was a knock on the door.

"Coming." I say, trying not to wake up Elizabeth, who seemed was having a nice dream.

I open the door, and sure enough, Ban was standing there. But there was something on his face that I'd never seen before. Anger and worry.

"What's up Ban? It's not like you to seem so worried." I say.

"Why'd ya do it?" Ban asked, making me really confused.

"Do what now?" I ask, my head tilting as I asked the question.

"Why'd ya cut?" I froze.

Ban's P.O.V

"Why'd you cut?" I ask. The Cap'n visibly tenses. The shine in his eyes is gone, and he's looking down, as if he's ashamed.

"Why would you want to know?" He asked darkly.

"Just answer the question." I pushed.

"It's none of your fucking business." He swore. He actually swore.

"Tell me!" I pressed on. I could see his calming himself down.

"Fine, I'll tell you. But you can't tell anyone."

Cuts - Melizabeth (Being Re-written)Where stories live. Discover now