Gone - Chapter 6

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No one's P.O.V

Meliodas jumped out of the window and into the forest, running at full speed. If he didn't have to stay behind and have that conversation, why would he? He knew he wanted help, he knew that. But he didn't at the same time. He didn't want more stress that was "help" piling onto him.

A few tree branches batted Meliodas' face, but he continued to jump from branch to branch. He heard the faint noise of his name being called but ignored it. It's was most likely King trying to get into his room to check one him. 'Sorry, King, but you won't find me there.'

Meliodas travelled further into the forest before eventually coming across a tall tree. It was wide and looked strong, and... somewhat inviting? It's a strange way of describing a tree, but it was definitely most accurate. Meliodas approached it slightly warily before jumping up to the top.

To his surprise, Meliodas found a small abandoned cabin at the top of the tree, in need of some repairs but still in surprisingly good condition. 'Looks like I'm staying here tonight,' Meliodas thought and entered the cabin.


Have a good day!

Cuts - Melizabeth (Being Re-written)Where stories live. Discover now