Chapter 7 - It's Empty

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Kings' s P.O.V

I've been knocking on the door for a while now, but Captain still hasn't answered. The door's locked, too, so I can't get in to check on him without using brute force, but I'd rather not blow the door off of it's hinges with Spirit Spear Chastiefol. Maybe Ban or Elizabeth would be for useful in this situation, after all, they have pretty close ties with the Captain.

And now I wonder if those two can read my thoughts because they both have just appeared at the base of the stairs, looking at me expectantly. I blink twice before realising they're climbing the stairs. "A-Ah, Captain won't let me in, let alone talk, do you want to try?" I ask.

Ban looked at me sceptically, but Elizabeth pushed past him - as politely as someone can push a person - and jogged up to the door with surprisingly light feet. She knocks softly as Ban and I watch in anticipation, expecting a slightly raspy voice croaking a weak greeting as the door opened a crack, but the piece of wood on hinges remained idle, and not a sound escapes the room.

"Move, Princess, I'm gonna kick it down!" Ban says with his annoyingly undying enthusiasm. If it weren't for the worry coursing through me and the weight of the situation, I would've facepalmed so hard I would have a hand-shaped bruise on my face for weeks. Ban licked his lips before approaching the door with his hands in his pockets and kicked a hole into it.

He stuck his head through the hole he made so I couldn't see. I could hear, though, and the worried gasp that escaped him rang in my ears painfully. "Ban, what is it..?" I ask, approaching slowly from behind him as he takes his head out of the door.

It takes a moment to take in his expression; his eyebrows a pinched together, his mouth is bent into a worried frown, his body posture is slumped, but his eyes were a dead giveaway to his emotions. It was pure, unadulterated panic and fear. Something that was rare in Ban, it didn't belong in him. It was too out of character.

"He's... The room is..." Ban stutters, avoiding eye contact as a single bead of sweat rolled down the side of his head.

"What? The room is what, Ban?" I press, worry easily overcoming logic and pride.

"It's empty."

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