What if...? - Chapter 5

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I'm so sorry for not updating! I've been busy and managed to get myself into two other fandoms and have been writing fanfic of them, then Wattpad stopped working, then the internet broke, then I had to join my family on holiday and there was no internet, and- okay, Ima stop now.


I lock myself in the room Ellie (Yes, he calls her Ellie when he thinks about her) and I share, looking roughly through my draw to find the knife I hid inside.

"Looks like I won't be able to use this anymore." I mumble to myself, grabbing it and heading for the window. I look at it, staring at the blood-stained kitchen knife before looking at the sun setting on the horizon. I pull my arm back, aiming the knife at a tree outside and thrusting the weapon forward, the blade hitting the trunk of the tree and sinking into it.

I sigh heavily, that knife was my only outlet. The only thing I could always turn to. The only think that never left, but it just did. It slid so easily out of my had as it traveled to it's new home. The one outlet is gone. What am I gonna do?


Meliodas groaned and slid against the wall to the floor. His hands slid through his - oddly soft - messy hair as his knees moved to his chest. He wanted to curl up into a ball and die. Anything about cutting was the last conversation he wanted to have, especially with Elizabeth. How was he supposed to say that she was a reincarnation of his first love? That she  was reincarnated to many times to count? Telling her anything had a chance of triggering their curse again!

Meliodas internally screamed in frustration, reaching for his draw and quickly recoiling. Right, he didn't have that outlet anymore, did he? Wait, why did he have to wait for that conversation to happen? It's not like he was being confined to the room.

He stared out the window. What if..?

Ack! This is short, I'll start on chapter six right away!

Cuts - Melizabeth (Being Re-written)Where stories live. Discover now