snow snow oh no - eleven

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"WIINNNTTERRRRRR!'' Adam screamed as he skidded across the blacktop of the Cafe parkinglot. He almost bowled into Mitch and Jerome, who were sitting on the brick fence, but quickly jumped out of the way.

Marcia giggled and ran towards the three, throwing her arms up in the air.

Last night, a big icestorm had came and the sub-zero temperatures had made the ground all nice and icy. Jerome had had the bright idea of coming out and skating in tennis shoes covered with Vegetable Oil. 

I laughed as Marcia skidded across the lot in a giddy dance. 

It had been two weeks since the party, and Ryan and Jordan had left on some buissness stuff. I didn't really mind at first, but I was starting to miss them. 

Re-applying the oil, I pushed out into the make-shift rink, giggling with pure adrenaline.

Ian started skating as well.

"Hey, Marrrr!" Ian said, glidding over to me like he was riding a skateboard.

"Woah, do you take skating lessons when we're not around." I laughed, smiling.

"Nah, I guess I'm just a natural!" He smirked, reaching out his hand. 

Ian and I had gotten to know each other a lot more in the past few weeks, and I wouldn't admit it, but I had some feelings for him. I never thought that, so soon, would I like another guy.

"Hey, watch this!" I whispered, looking around the arena. The brick wall was level with the ground above it, so the Cafe sat on an incline. I had an idea.

Ian nodded, tilting his head to the side. He looked so cute when he was confused. 

Lifting myself up on the wall, with a little help from Jerome, I made my plan. I would take a run and jump off the wall and land on the ice and skid to the other side. My shoes had great traction, so the plan was fool proof. 

But that was where I was wrong.

As soon as my foot lifted from the ground, the other slipped away from the wall. I don't remember landing. 

All I remember is black.


~ rainy

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