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"Gya! Why are you brats here?" Nagisa and Okuda simply smiled nervously and sheepishly while Karma finally let go of the bell.

Karma clicked his tongue, "Aren't you a bit slow for a witch? We've been standing here and ringing the bell like maniacs." His smirk turned mocking, "Don't tell me your age is catching up to your senses as well."

The witch scowled rather unpleasantly, "I told you that I wouldn't accept ungrateful brats like you in my home." Her previous dress had been replaced with a red low-cut dress. Dressed like she was going to meet someone today and she was at the middle of brushing her hair. "And I'm only one hundred and ninety three years old, brat. That's like what youth is for immortal witches like us."

"Still an old woman." Irina felt the words piercing right through her chest.

Still maintaining her scowl, she shoved the door wide open and stomped inside without a word. Taking it as a hint to go inside, Karma took a step in and through the antechamber. Nagisa and Okuda were still nervous from the previous incident. Karma snorted internally, scaredy cats.

"Ugh! Now where did I put my necklace?" Things floated off the ground from quite the height, moving up and down furiously, reflecting the witch's mood. "Where's the damn lipstick when you need it?!" And the entirety of the living room looked as if robbers had ransacked the room.

"Uh..sorry if it comes as intrusive of me but..um, are you perhaps meeting someone today?" Okuda asked politely.

"Yes!" Nagisa couldn't tell whether it was the answer to Okuda's question or the exclamation of joy for finally finding her fancy comb. The blonde seated herself onto the couch and the things started to reposition themselves on their own. "Yes." She cleared her throat after, a mirror afloat in front of her as she brushed her curly hair into a messy bun.

"I'm meeting a very important person today, so I don't have the time to play with you brats." Irina puckered her lips and applied the lipstick and even with his observant eyes, Nagisa couldn't see the changes the motion brought.

"Who's this important person you speak of?" Karma raised his brow in question. Then, his lips curled slyly, "Is this person your beau or something?"

Irina resisted the urge to roll her eyes in fear of getting her fresh liner damaged. So, she just threw her comb at him and batted him away, "No way." A slight shake of head. "The guy I'm going to meet today is way too straight-laced for things like that."

"And anyway," The doors clicked shut just as they stepped out, "I'm going for some business not any one night stands, you pubescent tykes."

Nagisa was ready to bid her goodbye and tell Manami that let's drag Karma-kun because he doesn't look like he's gonna go down without a fight when suddenly Miss Bitch looked towards their way- a tiny sly smirk forming on her face.

"Actually, now that you brats are here, let's go together." Huh, what a change of mood. "This person I'm gonna meet might be someone who could help you guys out." She suggested.

Karma was more than okay with that and looking at both Nagisa and Okuda, they didn't look like they didn't want to; so why not? In fact, they looked eager, Nagisa especially, even if Karma didn't know for what but he had that sharp look in his eyes again when she invited them to tag along.

The place they were to reach wasn't too far and by the looks of it, the mystery man Miss Bitch was talking about before looked more like a royal knight from some foreign land. Karma could tell that by the smartly dressed mages that accompanied him to enter through the harsh storm that was showing no sign of dying down anytime soon.

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