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The trip was an uneventful one as they set their sails from the island. Or maybe, uneventful as in dangerous because the storm was still raging like someone had shoved wasabi up the storm bringers' nose, seriously. But for some strange reasons, the boat was fine and unharmed and the water below them felt somehow less chaotic than the ones crashing with each other but maybe it was just his imagination.

Nagisa, for excuse untold, looked really tired before the ship had even started. Maybe he has motion sickness, Karma thought and continued discussing the plans along with his crew. Nagisa didn't play much of a role in the plans he had in his mind anyway, as cruel as it sounded, Nagisa really didn't have any notable speciality (except his proficiency of unknown deviant language) that made him stand out from the rest.

Sugino was really terrified when they explained the situation to him but bidded them farewell with a "good luck".

"Nagisa-kun, are you feeling alright?" Karma asked, closing the door behind him.

And it was just their luck that Nagisa has a fever now.

"Karma-kun.." He shifted in the bed and turned to look at him with glassy eyes, all fogged up by fever. Bitch had told them that his fever was caused by overdoing 'it' but Karma could never get what 'it' was.

Well, "You really shouldn't have these on, you know?" He said, practically tearing the thick blanket off the frail and sick boy.

"B-But!" Nagisa whined, trying to pull the covers back, his sense of the world practically blank as he looked at Karma. "'m cold!"

Seriously? Karma placed the back of his palm over his forehead before his hand failed to sense any difference. Damn him and his warm body. Carefully edging closer to Nagisa not to send the wrong message, Karma placed both his hands beside Nagisa's face, avoiding his messed up halo like hair, and leaned closer to touch their foreheads together.

Suddenly Nagisa let out a drunken giggle with his cheeks flushing over warmly, "Are you about to kiss me or what?"

Karma became aware of the position as well, turning a light shade of pink himself before closing his eyes and focusing on getting a read on his body temperature. Strange, Nagisa had a normal body temperature but he somehow showed signs of having a fever.

Like he'd been burned by hot iron, he pulled back when he felt a light press on his lips that went fleetingly fast as it came. His eyes widened as he looked over to Nagisa who giggled again at his reaction. "What happened, Karma-kun?" Nagisa teased, "Never been kissed by someone?"

He had been, to be truthful, but he didn't feel like sharing this information as the red-faced angel cocked his head sideways, still on the pillow. "Or is it that you just don't prefer guys?" Nagisa questioned again.

Karma swallowed, how was he supposed to say that yes he did, he was gayer than a freaking rainbow for god sake but held his tongue back, reminding himself of Nagisa's condition. "I do." he admitted, "But you're feverish right now and you probably don't know what you're talking about."

Nagisa grinned, almost looking like he was sober again but his eyes were still as hazy as before, "Really? Am I? I feel really good." He shuffled around from the heat and his bangs clung to his forehead from all the sweat. Weirdly enough, his sweat was cold too.

"I'll send Okuda-chan to your room, alright." The faster he escaped the better, he pretended as if he didn't see Nagisa pout, "Just lay here and- woah there, Nagisa-kun!"

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