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"Ah, Sakura-chan, you've skipped a step there," Nagisa pointed out, and the girl immediately set to work.

"I must say," One of the sisters of the daycare expressed her surprise, "we really didn't expect you to drop by,"

Nagisa could only smile at her politely, "Sorry, it was an emergency. I really hope I'm not causing you any trouble,"

"Not at all," she waved her hand dismissively, "Little Sakura likes your tutoring a lot, she always does her best when you're around,"

Sakura turned her head away in denial, throwing the sister a betrayed look, "Misaki-san!"

Nagisa sighed when the two started bickering and he looked through the large window, watching the white clouds swirl lazily with the blue background contrasting and blending with it. The only place he could think of parking himself for the time being was Wakaba Park. Even the hidden island was unsafe to go, he didn't want to run into anyone he knew.

And by anyone, he meant... one probably knows who he means by that.




His tail undulated up and down, frantic in its movement as if it had a mind of its own. The cold water felt like thousand of tiny pinprick hitting him right on his face but he swam despite the chill, despite the pull that told him to return back to the place where he felt the safest.

It really didn't matter anymore. The thing that he and Karma had. In fact, the thing that he had between every crew member, it didn't matter anymore. They knew of his identity, they knew he was a deviant but most importantly, they knew that he was the Prince that had caused trouble so far and wide.

After such a long time in the water, he rose up to the surface hesitantly, popping his head out of the water- he'd look like a human to any passing soul- and he found himself in the middle of the ocean, no sign of civilization in sight.


Pausing his movement to catch his breath, he swam downwards, feeling more free than he'd ever felt. It had been such a long time since he got to swim so freely in his natural form, the freedom felt amazing, but something still didn't sit right with him.

Something was missing.

His breath stuttered in his chest and the familiar pang of hunger struck him in the stomach. He hadn't had anything to eat since the time they'd came to the Isle of Okinawa, his stomach was starting to suffer. Ignoring the growl that rattled his belly, he let himself sink into the feeling of complete liberation.

Something was still missing.

Opening his eyes, he swam forward aimlessly, watching the seaweeds sway and the sea creatures blink their curious eyes at him.

What had gone amiss, Nagisa knew for certain what it was, but he was too scared to admit the truth. He'd always been the type of guy who planned first before doing his job. Such spontaneous feelings were definitely not a good thing for a guy like him. It wasn't like he wanted to feel this way.

What had been done, had been done. Nagisa forced himself to realize that he was never going to meet Karma and his crew again.

But he wanted to.

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