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9:32am. Day of The Trial.

He can only imagine how it feels to be the one accused. Sitting here, for the second time, with unblinking eyes of disdain watching everything he does. The jury analyses his movements, watching how he'll react to certain statements, to certain questions. The thing is with this town is everyone knows everything, every rumour and every fact. There is no hiding, but it's amplified when on the stand. You can watch their judgements pass through their faces. He shifts, uncomfortable in the seat. A few eyes narrow. This is so much fun.

"Harry." He turns to Campbell. "Is it true that Allie met with you to convince you to drop out of the race for Mayor?" Harry nods. "Words please."

"Eh, yeah, yes, it's true." He reaches for the water and takes a sip. Campbell turns on his heels, facing the jury once more. Normally, or back home, the court doesn't work like this. You're not allowed to make statements between questions. Harry had listened enough times to his family's set of lawyers. Growing up, he'd hear his parents on the phone with lawyers. He caught bits and bobs of jargon every now and then. However, whenever he asked about what was happening, he'd just be shooed away, shushed. The only time he father ever trusted him was showing him the gold. What good that does now.

"Would you say Allie is controlling?" Campbell smiles, expectantly towards Harry. What would happen if he lies right now? This isn't a real court of law. What would happen? What would they do? They don't have a rule here that says you can't lie.

"I'd say she's become more controlling, but I wouldn't say-" Campbell cuts him off and he bites his lip. There's no point in lying. Nothing good comes from lying.

"Do you believe Allie will do whatever it takes to get her way?" There's a hint of annoyance in Campbell's eye. Harry knows what he's trying to do. Discredit the character of the witness. He's making Allie seem like a cold, controlling dictator. She is a bit of a dictator. She does struggle to relinquish control, for good reason, however. Every time she's relaxed, taken her foot off the pedal something horrible has happened. She's controlling because it turns out, we can't be trusted without a firm hand. Harry plays with his hands a bit. Not wanting to give his answer. He glances at Allie. She doesn't seem angry. Her face is more pained if anything. She chews the inside of her cheek, playing with her cardigan sleeve. Will tries to hold her hand but she jerks it away.

"I guess? Yeah, but-"

"She will do whatever it takes. She is controlling. Harry?" Harry glances back at Campbell, his eyes still mainly on Allie though, watching how she's reacting to all of this. "You went through a little rough patch, right?"

"Eh yeah..." He shifts again in his seat, uncomfortable. If he's honest with himself, he's still in that rough patch. The empty house is achingly quiet at night. The only way he can truly sleep is if he's fucked up. It's not fun sitting in the silence sober.

"Eh, what's this got to do with Allie?" Grizz's voice cuts through the air. A hand on his head, he looks up at Lexie. She stays silent. Campbell waits impatiently to continue. "Lexie." She purses her lips. He sits back. "Lexie. What relevance is this? What's this got to do with Allie and Will?" Campbell approaches Lexie, Harry watches as he whispers. Grizz throws his hands in the air, grumbling furiously to Helena. She holds a hand calming him down. Murmurs ripple through everyone, growing louder as the trial stalls. "Do we get to know what it is you're discussing, or do I have to accuse the two of you of colluding" There are a few snickers of laughter from the crowd as Grizz's annoyed snarky tones. Lexie's face hardens. Helena starts urgently whispering to him, but he doesn't look at her, just Lexie. Lexie nods to Campbell then coughs, gathering the rooms attention once more.

"Campbell's questions have merit. He's informed me of the line of enquiry. It'd do you good to wait until it's your turn to do the questioning, otherwise, you'll be escorted out the church." Grizz goes to retaliate but Gwen leans over his shoulder whispering something. His mouth shuts. Grizz reluctantly nods at the triumphant looking Campbell to continue.

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