Mystery woman

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I wake up to a missed FaceTime from Lana. It's been a couple days since Julia and I had our fling. It's been kinda weird. She left the following morning and hasn't came back. I visited my dad yesterday. He's in worse condition than I thought. They say he's at high risk for another stoke so they will keep him
as originally said. I wish he was home and everything was normal. It's been lonely in the house since everyone left, even though Lana has been coming over. I went to take a shower, starting my day. I opened the curtains and played some music. While I was in the shower I heard my phone ring. After the shower I saw the text message Julia sent me.

Hey hun! I'm so sorry I've been MIA something happened at the agency and it's been a big mess. I'm off today so I will be on my way soon.

I shrugged and went into closet to pick what I was wearing for the day. I got a black off the shoulder top and high wasted mom jeans. I curled my hair because I was bored and watched too many YouTube tutorials. It fit me really well and of course after all this glam I had to do my makeup. Beat for the gods I was feeling myself. It's a Saturday and I'm ready to go out. I FaceTime Lana.
"Hey girl" I say batting my eyes
"Who are you looking cute for" she laughed
"Myself" I look at her and roll my eyes
"Come over" I plead
"Um... I'm kinda doing something" Lana laughed and looked at the back of her.
"Lana, who are you with" I ask looking closer at her screen
She laughed again
"Lana tell me" I kinda laugh with her
She moves the camera over to see one of the most sexiest guys in school in her bed. He laughed as he looked at the camera
"What's up Matt" I raised my eye brow
"So yeah..." Lana moved the camera to her again "I'm going to need a few hours if you want me to come over"
"Well.." I laugh "have fun"
We laugh as she hangs up. I couldn't help but to shake my head after. Who was I to judge though. I spent some time taking selfies and after a while I worked up an appetite. My grandma on my dads side is crazy for my dad and of course I'm her favorite grandchild. So when she found out about my dad she sent me 500 dollars to live off of while my dad was in the hospital. She's coming when her cruise is over. So I postmated sushi to my house thanks to grandma.
The door rang and I automatically shot up, hungry for my next meal. I open the door and Julia stood in front of me. She smiled as she looked me up and down.
"Oh hey... I thought you were my food delivery" I say with the shyest smile
"No worries" her smile was faint as she walked in. "I've been worried about you" she says looking away from me heading towards the couch.
"What do you mean" I ask following her. Today she seemed more serious then others. I wonder if work made her like this because she was totally different.
"You were uncontrollable the other day"
"Well" I looked at her. "you seemed pretty concerned to me" I laughed "why are you here" i asked
"Because I owe it to your father" she snapped. Her eyes got softer. "And because I know you need someone" she looked down at the white sofa. The door bell rang for my food. I got it and put it on the table.
I looked towards her way taking note of her deep v neck red blouse and skinny jeans. She was so much of a mystery to me and she knew it.
"Julia" I ask
"Yes" she pats a seat next to her for me to sit
"What's your story"
"you can't ask such a widespread question" she laughed "I'm old. I can't make my story a picture book" she added
"Well..." I look for the right question " what makes you the woman you are today" I look in her eyes curious to how she would respond.
"People telling me I wouldn't be anything like my father who is the king of funk. I never wanted to be an entertainer... Well not since I was in college, but I knew I had to make him proud. So I worked my ass off to get where I am before he passed" she looked at me in the eyes as they grow a little misty
"If you're going to grill me at least bring us a glass of wine" she smiled and winked
I gathered a wine bottle, glasses and my sushi and put it on the coffee table in front of us.
"Have you been married" I ask while handing her drink to her
"Yes" Julia raises her eyebrows
"Diana. I really like you... I haven't liked a young girl like you in a very long time.... I can feel myself going into my old ways. Do you really want to know me?" She blurted out at once.
I was stuffing my mouth with sushi as her words spilled out. "Yeah" I say with a confused tone. I clear my throat, "what do you mean by all this" I ask my eyes wide. For some reason even when she had passion in her voice and words her composure always stays put together. 
"My first husband was my master.  I was pet for many years while I was in my 20's. He was the reason my talent agency took off. But he got too abusive. He began wanting me and his younger pets to do obscene things. However this was the first time I was introduced to being a mommy" she took a huge sip of her wine
"So youre a mother? How many kids do you have" I asked
She laughed. "No sweetheart. It's a little and caretaker relationship. I was 26 when I first became a mommy to a young 18 year old girl. She had a little space of 3 years old. That's what kept me in my marriage for so long... having a family" she drank another huge sip of wine, finishing her glass.
"What about another" I asked. she nodded her head while I poured.
"So do you want me to be your little" my voice went up a few octaves.
"I think you're a very special, talented young lady" she smile saying it in her sweet but sultry tone.
"Is my dad your slave owner now" I looked wide eyed
"No" she practically screamed "I left that life style all behind... ever since... your dad has been very gentle and kind  to me."
"What happened"
"Diana. Do you know when not to ask questions" she sternly said
"I'm sorry" I looked down
"She left me. They all did" Julia quietly said
"So can I be a little" I say brightly
"Only you can answer that. Start off by finding what age your comfortable being... just think about it for now" she replied and winked. all of sudden I heard another knock on the door. I opened the door to see Lana.
"Hey bitch" she smiled "I tried to call and text your ass but you were no where to be found" she bum rushes into the house to be faced with Julia. Lana looks back at me with the carving of s.o.s in her eyes.
"Julia..... this is my best friend Lana" I say slowly

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