Chapter 5

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OMG! It's been so long since my last update! Sooo sorry for the long wait my loyal readers. But here's chapter 5! Enjoy and read on ;-)

Max's POV

"Nooooo!" I scream as the Hydra was about to burn Annabeth to death. The Hydra turns it's head -or rather, heads-towards me as Annabeth desperately tries to loosen the ropes around her. Where the hell were Percy and the flock?! The Hydra slowly makes its way towards me as its humongous tail swooshes around Annabeth. Annabeth looks at me worried and scared. I can see her thoughts all jumbled around in her head trying to figure out a plan. You and me both, girl. I can't let Annabeth die, since the beginning of the quest, she has been an awesome friend. And you know I'm not the lovey dovey type (that's Nudge), but she and Percy make a cute couple. We were not about to die at the end of this hard, long quest. The only thing that I can think of is Greek fire. I pull it out of the jar in my pack and meet eyes with Annabeth, she nods and I throw it at the Hydra.

I wake up gasping and sweating, taking fast labored breaths, it's just a dream, it's just a dream. I try and go back to sleep but can't. So I get out of bed and creep out of my cabin. I walk to the Hade's Cabin, which I hope Fang is in, and open the door.

"Fang?" No answer. Well then. I walk out and decide to take a night fly. I spread my brown speckled wings and take off with my super sonic speed. I shoot past a black blur and-WTH?! I reel backwards and come face to face with a smirking Fang.

"Well, fancy seeing you here." He says, his eyes joking but his face as stoic as a statue.

"Yeah, what a coincidence." I say sarcastically.

He shrugs. Uh!!! Say something! "Sooo... What do ya think of all this, stuff?" I ask, gesturing with my arms to everything around us.

He raises an eyebrow, "what stuff?"

"Ughhhh! You just like annoying me you stupid emotionless brick!"

He laughs, which he never does, and ruffles my hair like I do with Gazzy. I look at him strangely. "What?" I shake my head. "I think that all this demigod stuff is crazy and we're crazy to believe it, but if you trust them, then the rest of the flock does, don't worry, we'll leave when anything goes wrong, okay?" He says kissing the top of my head, our wings moving in sync.

"I don't know if we should believe them or not!" I say miserably ", but we're here now and there's good food, and like you said, we'll leave as soon as something gets suspicious."

He grins his lopsided smile at me and I instantly feel better. We land on the ground together and talk tell midnight. I don't tell him my dream though.

The Next Morning:

After we ate breakfast, Percy gives us our activity schedules and I was off to my first class, Greek Mythology with Chiron and a girl named Annabeth. (Ha, it sounds like they're going to school)

[I'm just using Percy's schedule from the books for Max's schedule and to change it up a bit, I'm changing the times Max has her classes. This goes to everyone in the camp. If that doesn't make sense, nvm.]

"Hi! Are you Max?" A blonde haired girl with stormy grey eyes asks me.


"I'm Annabeth." She says, smiling.

"Um, hi." I say awkwardly.

She keeps smiling as she leads me towards the main room where Chiron is. He nods at me and I walk over. "Hello Max. Glad you could come."

"Mm hm."

[I'm not sure how they teach at CHB but I'm just going to make it up.]

Chiron claps his hands, "Alright class, before we start, as you all know, Max here is a new camper. So please be respectful and gracious of her. Anyway, in today's lesson, we'll be working on an art project. So get a partner and we'll start."

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