Chapter 6

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Max's POV

"As you all know, only three can go on a quest to make the chances of survival the greatest. But this quest is different! Different by far. No prophecy was given to lead the way, the Gods and I decided this. Which means the danger of this quest is astronomical. In result, I have a different alignment set up for the quest. These fighters have fought years for survival and are the best we could hope for, so no one, and I mean no one, will object to this decision. I have concluded, two groups necessary. Group one, please come to the front as I call your names. Max! Nudge! Angel! Annabeth! And Percy!" One by one we step on the platform. "Congratulations group one, you've earned this quest."

Applause booms loudly through out the whole camp, as everyone erupts into applause, Clarisse the loudest. "Yes! Max!"

I grin awkwardly, not knowing what exactly the honor of a quest was. I glance at Angel and Nudge both of their faces shining with pride and happiness. Little did they know the sacrifice and danger in a quest.

Group two's names were called out and Fang, Iggy, Gazzy, Thalia, and Nico walked up front. It was funny because Nico and Fang looked almost identical. With there black hair and clothes and emo demeanor.

I have to admit I was honored to go on a quest with my Flock and I suppose my soon to be friends (although I think I'd rather have Clarisse by my side than Annabeth the teachers pet) but a little surprised when Chiron called me up. He had literally just met me the day before and now he was offering me a quest it takes other campers years to earn? He must have an immense amount of trust in My Flock and I. Maybe knowing who's children we were influenced part of his decision.

When the clapping and excitement dies down, the campers throw away their leftovers and file out of the Mess Hall to go about their day. The two quest groups stay to discuss plans with Chiron.

"Chiron, how in the world are we supposed to handle a quest? The Flock and I have just found our godly parents yesterday and now this big, important quest looms over us. Yes we're smart and amazing fighters but we've had no training or experience in your lifestyle. And when will we know if we have powers?" I burst out.

Nudge chimes in that she wants to see what being the daughter of Aphrodite means and feels like before diving into anything.

"Do not fret, the quest is just beginning and will catch full speed when the time comes, which I will assure you will be in the future. Maybe a couple weeks, which gives you some time to adjust and train. You must accept the quest before I tell you what it is you are reaching. You will also find that you are much more powerful then you originally thought. But Max you are wrong about having no experience. You six are the perfect addition with strong capabilities. And when you find your demigod strength and combine it with your wings, you'll be unstoppable. We need both groups of fighters on our side. That is if you accept the quest. I must warn you to the furthest extent how dangerous this path will be, but furthermore, will you and your flock accept?"

Chiron's speech was the first speech I'd heard that was almost as good as mine. I laugh inside, who am I kidding, his was better. And boy did it make me want to say, yes sir. But my other half was conflicted. What about saving the world? I had done so so many times that it was like a part of me somehow. Which was fine because the world always seems to need saving. And how did the others feel about this? I would make the ultimate decision but I knew I needed the flocks input.

"I'll just need a minute to talk with my Flock." I say. Chiron nods respectfully and he Annabeth, Percy, Thalia, and Nico walk outside. "Who'd like to share what they're thinking?" I ask. Of course Nudge is the first to raise her hand. "Sure Nudge."

"I really like everyone here. They're all so nice especially my cabin mates. Oh and! They're all so so pretty! Anyway, I'd really rather just stay safe at camp here but I know I'd feel guilty after a while. I think I also need to know what the quest is going to be about. Like who are we saving this time? You know?! I'm just super excited to see what my powers are. I can't believe we're going to have wings and powers!"

"Good input Nudge! Gazzy?"

"I agree with Nudge. Although the Hermes Cabin is pretty crowded. They all love explosives though which is nice."


"I'll do whatever. But I'd be nice to just stay at camp."


"Max, I know you'll make a good decision so I'll keep my opinion to myself for now."

Well that's new! Angel for once appreciates my leaderness! I knew Fang wouldn't have much to say but I ask anyway.

"I don't think the Flock should split up." He says plainly.

I think about their comments for a while and come up with a compromise. "It sounds to me like you guys want to stay here and believe me, that's what I want to. But since when did we run when things got tough? Never. The world is in jeopardy and we know we can't just sit back and let it burn. We'll feel guilty about it too. I want to request that we all stay together though." I say glancing at Fang for a split second. The Flock seems solemn knowing that this is what we're meant to do and there's no point hiding. "Now Angel, any last remarks?"

"I couldn't have said it any better." She says matter-a-factly.

"Ok then it's settled. I'll request the Flock stick together but that we accept the quest."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 29, 2016 ⏰

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