Chapter 18

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Chapter Eighteen:

When I return home the first thing Andrew does is, he hugs me. He squeezes me way too hard making my injured stomach hurt all the more which makes me scream in pain.

"Ouch!" I push him away from me.

"What's wrong? Where were you? You told me you were coming home early and you didn't, I thought something happened to you!" He looks really worried,.

" YES, I know. I'm fine, Andrew..." I decide on not telling him.

"No you're not! What's wrong! Did someone hurt you?" He holds my shoulders.

Yes. "No" I lie.

"Why are you lying Rissa?"

Because I know you'll go after Andy if I tell you the truth. For some reason that sounds like a good Idea. "I ... never mind it's nothing" I decide not to tell him.

"Tell me rissy. Please?" he is almost begging to know.

"I uh got hurt"

"Who hurt you?" His grip tightens on my shoulder and I regret mentioning it.


"Who did it Marissa! Tell me everything. Now."

"Andy!" I clamp one hand over my mouth and lock the door with the other one

"Andy?" He growls. "Andy hurt you?"

"Yes, but I'm fine. I swear, look" I smile the widest I can.

He puts on his shoes and grabs his keys. He nearly pushes me on the floor trying to get outside.

"Andrew! Wait. Don't you wanna know what happened?" Maybe if he will know the whole story he won't run behind Andy.

"What happened?" He is impatiently tapping his right foot,

"So I was at Mikeys party, he asked me to dance so we were dancing to this up beat edm track and while dancing he started to feel me up and confessed that he liked me since seventh grade and before telling you more, just to let you know that he was drunk alright, he wasn't in his senses.."

"Yeah, whatever then?" He raises his eyebrows.

"yeah so then he kissed me, for like a nano second and then Andy came out of nowhere and punched him and they both started fighting like mad people. I tried to stop them and I could not so I did the only sensible thing I could think of that moment, I went in between them and accidentally the punch Andy was aiming at Mike, landed on my stomach which lead me to faint for a while. Later I woke up in Mikes room and Andy was in there he tried to apologize, but Andrew, you already know that I have had enough of it. I can't handle getting hurt anymore. So, I just told him to leave the room. Then I went into the kitchen and Mike apologized to me saying how wrong he was for doing such a thing, and yeah I forgave him. SO that is why I was late.... sorry ..." I finish explaining him the whole thing and take a deep breath in.

"that jerk!" Andrews anger has doubled now....

"Please don't do anything stupid Andrew!"

"I just want to talk to him that's all"

I follow him outside. "Andrew I'm fine! Please, stay with me" I look straight into his eyes.

"Hey, I will be back as soon as I am done talking to him okay? Just lock the doors and stay in."

"If you just want to talk to him then let me go with you"

"I said stay in here!"

His yelling scares me and causes me to get take a step back. Andrew notices I stop following him and turns around. I want to move but it's like my feet are stuck to the ground.

"Look Marissa  I'm sorry. I just don't need you getting hurt.. again. I almost lost you last time. Imagining anything happening to you. It aches my heart" He says.

I finally find my voice. "I want to go with you."

He rubs his face slowly  turning away and sighs. "Fine. Let's go"

I quickly lock the door and jog a little to catch up and grab his hand. We drive back to Mikey's house. The house looks different like I didn't just come from it. As we move closer I notice empty beer cans everywhere in the yard. It still smells of beer in here too.

"Something bad is gonna happen" I whisper

Andrew nods. "You can leave now before its too late..."

I shake my head no and keep walking. The leaves crunch under our feet as we slowly walk up the stairs. The cold breeze sends chills down my back and I squeeze Andrews hand as he bangs on the door.

"Who is it!" Sounds like Mikey

"Open up potato head!" Andrew yells

Mikey fumbles with the lock and opens the door. "Hey you have-- oh Andrew. It's you"

So now I'm invisible. Alright, whatever. Andrew pushes Mike out the way and goes inside pulling me with him. I pull my hand away while he searches for Andy.

"Hey, Marissa" Mike finally acknowledges me/

I turn and look at Mikey. "Hey"

"Where is he Mikey?" Andrew growls.

"Where is who? Andy?"

"Obviously I'm talking about Andy!" why is Andrew so mad? i am totally okay. it was just a little punch......

"Him and Blondie went out"

Something tugs at my heart when I hear that but I ignore it. I will not go back to him.

"Went where?"Andrew asks,.

"To get some food"

"Flight deck?" I interrupt

"Yeah that I guess" he scratches the back of his head...

"Thanks mike" I smile at him.

After arguing with mike for 15 minutes we finally give in and let him go with us. I sit in the passenger seat and he sits in the back. Okay this is it. I am going to probably be seeing Andy and Jessie for the last time in my life.

"Here we go." Andrew says and starts driving.

Oh, god. I'm so nervous!

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A/N : .Hey guys. This chapter was so much fun to write too aha ;) We really hope that you all liked it. Two more chapters left till the end guys. TWO MORE ONLY! We hope you all are as excited as we are ;)

QOTC : What do you think will happen now? Will there be another fight between Andy and Andrew? ( Let us know in the comments below! )

P.S. Thank you soooo much for reading :) We love you guys.:*

Comment, Vote, and Be awesome. <3

Bye :D

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