001.1 | Gratitude For Saving Me

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Qi Sying gasped for air as he groggily regained consciousness. He remained motionless for a moment when a sharp throbbing pain suddenly whacked his head. Qi Sying whimpered, biting his lips to stop his voice from leaking.

It took him a while to regain focus and called the system frantically, ASAP.

A cold voice spoke inside his mind. The system is narrating his successful transfer mechanically. It didn't alleviate the incessant throbbing of his temples and made it worst. Qi Sying felt a sudden overwhelming desire of smashing his head against the wall.

He had no idea transferring worlds could be so vexing.

[This system can reassure the host that transferring worlds is not painful. The pain the host is feeling is from the body the host resided.]

Qi Sying gritted his teeth, trying to retain his reason. His brows are sweating profusely and his lips were already white as a sheet of paper. Tears subconsciously wet the corners of his reddened close eyes, his breathing hitched from the incoherent gasps he could not prevent from leaking.

One can easily discern that something is wrong with his body. It is impossible to communicate in this state.

"Please..." Qi Sying tried his best to remain in a clear state. He begged the system while he slowly wallowed into fainting. "Take it... away... so painful... plea-"

[I apologize, host, but this request will have a significant impact on the storyline. Please bear with me for a moment.]

What? It wanted him to go through the agony? Did the system ever realize how much pain he is in right now?

It's enough to drive Qi Sying insane!

He wanted to drill his head open and pluck his brain out because the pain was really unbearable. He believed it is the only way he can get rid of the pain. But the system only told him to keep going?

While Qi Sying is cursing in his head, convinced that he has been duped by the system or something, a second person appeared on the scene.

This character is a gentleman dressed in an office suit - the default black vest, plain tie, and white undershirt partnered with black slacks and pointed shoes. His peppered hair revealed his golden years but his good-looking face still gave off a youthful charm.

He is just passing to the cubicle where Qi Sying was staying. Qi Sying was hunched over the desk, his hands clasped behind his back, so the second person didn't see his expression just yet. He only presumed Qi Sying was napping.

"Hey rookie, break time is over. You still have documents to finish," the person knocked on the glass divider.

Usually, the rookie will immediately respond to his commands with a 'yes sir!'. The other person, however, was deafeningly silent this time.

He thought he must be sleeping deeply seeing the person remained motionless. This newcomer was very good in his work, has an adaptable personality without crossing boundaries, and thorough. It would be bad if other people find him slacking off.

"Jun Zihao, only because you finished your internship doesn't mean you can finally relax. There are still a lot of things to learn, ba." He leaned against the cubicle wall, arms crossed.

This is not the first time he caught this rookie sleep. Actually, in between break hours, "Jun Zihao" has the habit of snoozing off. When he asked him why he does that, the youth enthusiastically presented him a thick copy of scientific journals about the advantage of taking naps in between work.

He thought, "Youths these days have it hard, ah. They have to look for valid reasons just to be given an opportunity to slack off."

Taking naps during break hours was not bad but Jun Zihao has the tendency to go over the time.

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