001.15 | Gratitude For Saving Me

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Suddenly, his breathing hitched. Qi Sying was completely taken aback by the unexpected turn of events. He had no inkling that they would meet in such a strange place.

The two people were not looking at each other directly, but instead relied on the mirror in front of them to maintain contact. Even though the steam produced by the frosty air slightly blurred the edges of their reflections, it wasn't quite enough to mask the emotions that were evident on their faces.

Qi Sying started to rack his already damaged brain for ideas on how to escape this scenario, but he was unable to do so as his surroundings began to warp in circles. He reached out with one arm, expecting to brace himself against the frigid countertop, but his swirling vision missed the distance. One step back and his body is almost ready to collapse

Thankfully, someone towed him before he fell to the floor. His back was supported by a huge hand, while the other wrapped around his hips. Qi Sying was awed by the warmth of the body in front of him, but he couldn't help but feel comfortable. When he raised his eyes, he saw two black orbs gazing at him coldly.

Indeed, this man was as cold as what the rumors said. Yet, the warmth emanating from his body has been different from what he expected. It completely overwhelmed the feeling of coldness from those stares, like ice melting. Qi Sying thought this person didn't seem to be that bad.

He started feeling his stomach lurch. He shoved Ru Weimin out of the way as he forced his way to the sink. Another bout of vomiting ensued, but this time it was considerably worse. Because his stomach had already been emptied, he was merely vomiting air and saliva profusely.

This time, he can no longer bear the burning in his gut any more. There was no food to push up, so the friction focused on the walls of his esophagus, combining with all the bile in his stomach, spicing the wounds. The only thing that made him feel a little bit more comfortable was the gentle stroking on his back.

Ru Weimin watched the figure as he tried to think of ways on how to help him. When he saw the shaking hand of the youth as it tried pushing the faucet, he did not think twice to push it down for him.

Earlier, Ru Weimin was surprised when he found Jun Zihao entering the restroom. This person had become so much a part of his memory that barely sighting him on his back, he would recognize him quickly.

Also, he was still being associated with his dog's face, so it was not easy to forget Jun Zihao. He even imagines him running around his office, with ears upright while his tail is wagging from behind.

How can he be easily forgotten?

Of course, if ever Jun Zihao knows what the other man was thinking, he would not hesitate to do a three hundred and sixty roundhouse to kick him.

Ru Weimin thought that the youth is here to take a bowel. Well, what else would anyone do in the restroom other than pee and dump? He was also rushing, so maybe he was hurrying to find his release.

Hence, he did not bother calling out to the youth when he entered and just watched the figure to open the first cubicle. Though, instead of closing the door after entering, Jun Zihao kneeled instead, his face hovering to the toilet bowl. Then, he started to retch.

He is not here to do number 1, not number 2, but to vomit.

He assumed Jun Zihao might be drunk. There were people who vomit out when drunk, so he did not get the least bit worried. But when the force of vomit became stronger, Ru Weimin's face started to crack.

It is okay to vomit when you feel like it, but does he need to sound as if he was dying?

Anyone that hears it will surely think something is wrong. Not even the drunkest person would retch so forcefully that anyone could imagine the person was wounding their throat. Ru Weimin was about to come over, but the sound of vomiting stopped. It was replaced by a deep exhale.

Ru Weimin frowned.

Jun Zihao sounds so... so exhausted.

After a while, Jun Zihao walked out of the cubicle. It was only now that Ru Weimin had seen the full figure of Jun Zihao.

Not different from the first time he had seen the youth, Jun Zihao now has the same pale complexion that one will almost think he was a walking dead. His lips are almost blue, and the hollow underneath his bloodshot eyes was very obvious.

Tears lightly anchored on the sides of his eyes, tempting to fall, but not enough to give way to gravity. Both of his shoulders were sagging down, almost bestowing him the look of a very sickly person.

He was like a fragile stick; one strike and he would collapse.

This image made Ru Weimin suddenly feel lost. The miserable figure of the youth as he struggled to go the sink pinched his heart. He was cold hearted as what they say - he thought he was...

But he started to believe he isn't anymore.

Just seeing Jun Zihao suffering made him have an urge to pull him into his embrace and soothe him from whatever pain he was feeling.

Actually, he was willing to do it now but it seems that the youth did not notice his presence since Jun Zihao continued on washing his face without worry. Only by the time he looked at the mirror did their eyes meet...

His clear blue eyes still look very alive despite the pain...

Ru Weimin did not know what thoughts were inside the youth's mind, but he could see from his eyes that he was surprised. Surprised? Most of the people who encounter him will feel scared, but why was he only looking surprised?

After taking in the initial shock, Jun Zihao's face showed worry as if he wanted to run away. Ru Weimin also detected it, but still instead of fear he can see disdain, and perhaps dislike?

To dislike him...

Ru Weimin thinks that Jun Zihao's feeling was not wrong. After all, he let San Zhao to bully the kid all throughout. But Jun Zihao seems to be enjoying his first week of work. Even though he was ordered around like a dog, and imagined as a dog, he wasn't reprimanded or being scolded.

Actually, he has all the free time to saunter around, meeting all the important personnel without restrictions. His hate seems to be coming from something much deeper...

Could it be he was really a spy after all?

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