001.14 | Gratitude For Saving Me

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The butler still looked puzzled, but he didn't say anything. Well, if the young master was constipated, then he suggests the young master should avoid eating foods that have too much fiber and take pineapples into consideration. If anything else, he should drink a lot of water to at least lighten his digestion.

Young people these days often eat junk food or not eat anything at all. Everything was processed, so it was no wonder many people would have queasy stomachs and delicate immune systems. The butler took note of giving the young master Jun a healthy diet plan.

But this thought was not the one that made the old man puzzled. What he wanted to know was why the young master had to leave the private room if it has a comfort room installed inside?

To become an excellent establishment, the owner of the restaurant exhausted all its resources to create a place that can satisfy the customers. They are predominantly serving wealthy people, so they should be able to showcase the grandeur of their facilities.

They are mainly serving wealthy people, so they should be able to showcase the grandeur of their facilities. Each private room has its comfort room for the use of the people occupying it, as well as public restrooms when one decided to take the public dining.

Qi Sying was pretty much aware of this fact, but he still chose to run out and use the public restroom. It was because he knew he was not taking any shit out, but would be banging his head instead because of pain.

He didn't want his colleagues to know his state yet, so he'd rather want to take the longer route than be exposed. Moreover, none of them know about the private facility, so he isn't fretted about people finding out.

Even though it was called a public restroom, people rarely occupied it.

It was because most of the people going to this place would rather want to reserve a private area than to sit on the public.

Wealthy businessmen have several private dealings. Even though the establishment is a restaurant, the private rooms can be modified to satisfy the occupants of the room. Businessmen like to discuss materials while eating, and that can only be done in close room. It would be stupid if they will choose the public dining hall.

Celebrations were also better to be held in an enclosed area. The rooms were jammed up with excellent sound insulation that anyone could try their best singing to their highest note without disturbing other costumers. Families celebrating birthdays and anniversaries could freely enjoy their merrymaking.

Most of the customers of the restaurant were young men like Jun Zihao dining with their friends.

Only idle people who are not particular about privacy occupy the public dining area.

The public dining area was not bad. It actually has similar features with the private rooms; it was just that there were no wall enclosures and the decorations could not be modified. People could only hold small chatters and mind their manners as well.

Though, the tables were relatively a distant apart so the intended privacy was still present. There are also mini-private rooms found on the VIP corner of the public dining where glass walls separate the spaces. It wasn't completely concealed like the private rooms but at least it has better isolation.

Since it's already night time, the area has been empty.

Qi Sying quickly went straight to the first cubicle and banged the door open. He came dangerously close to falling on the floor, but fortunately he was able to stabilize himself before kneeling towards the toilet bowl.

He did not think anything afterward, just letting his mouth to release the dinner he just ate.

He retched anything his emptying stomach could throw, his brow dripping with sweat. His hands were white from grasping the either side of the bowl to keep himself from falling. The force that he was vomiting was very disturbing that anyone seeing him would be worried. It won't be too long that he will be throwing out blood due to excessive contraction.

It had taken him a long time before he finally slowed down. Qi Sying cursed silently as he leaned limply to the side, exhaling as much air as he could. The energy that he consumed made his whole body to suddenly become weak disorienting his consciousness.

He could not help but be tempted to just bang his head right into the toilet bowl to end his life. This suffering is almost forcing him to commit suicide!

However, it was only by experiencing the feeling firsthand that his view of the original soul changed. The original Jun Zihao had endured headaches, vomited all the food he consumed, hearing an ear-splitting tinnitus, and would even faint from too much pain -- yet, he still persevered in paying his debt.

He wasn't weak to endure such hardship. His determination to finish what he started made him a martyr -- a very stupid martyr.

But the world that he resided was too cruel to at least give him a peaceful death.

Qi Sying shook his head lightly, chuckling at the original soul's stupid-ness. If he only valued the life given to them than repaying it, he must have been living a sound and good life. Discerning how his family loved him, there's no way that they will abandon him.

Also, he was sure Ru Weimin had no qualms about his existence from the first place. He wouldn't need to expend effort if the person himself did not ask about it. Jun Zihao was just exaggerating things.

He was honorable, but his gratitude had gone beyond madness.

He rested for a while before deciding to leave. He had been gone for so long; surely, they would think something was wrong. Qi Sying used the wall of the cubicle as his support to stand up, and then flushed the toilet to eliminate the evidence.

He slowly made his way to the sink where he lathered his face. He cupped some water from the faucet and gargled it, spitting out the left over vomit out from his mouth. It was only after he had gargled twice did he see his reflection from the mirror - and the second person who was watching.

It was only after he had gargled twice did he see his reflection from the mirror - and the second person who was watching. Qi Sying had been so occupied that he didn't notice another existence when he rushed inside the room.

Since the time that he entered from the moment he was looking at the other's reflection, the man had been seriously scrutinizing him. If it was any other stranger, Qi Sying could just chuckle it out. But the unfortunate thing was the person on the reflection is the one whom he wanted to see the least.

It was Ru Weimin!

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