Chapter 2

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Gray's POV


I wake up with a jump and admittedly not the manliest scream. I immediately sit up and my eyes shoot open and as they come into focus I see Juvia sitting in top of me, giggling her head off.

"What the hell Juvia!" I sigh as I throw my upper body back down into the mattress. She leans down to hug my torso, still unable to control her fits of giggles.

"I'm sorry Gray, but I couldn't resist. Plus you have to get up, our final exam is soon!" She says as she calms down. I look at those deep blue eyes of hers and I can't help it when my lips curve into a smile, looking at her glowing face. 

She sits back up. Seriously, this girl needs to sit still. I am acutely aware she is straddling my hips, with her looking all flushed from her uncontrollable laughter and with that twinkle in her eye, looking down at me as her hair falls over her shoulders, she looks breathtakingly gorgeous. My cock twitches. Fuck! Not now! This girl has no idea what she does to me, her fidgeting is really not helping.

"Okay! Okay! I'm awake, now get the fuck off me!" I say. That probably came out a little harsher than I meant it to. However, she doesn't even bat an eyelid. Instead she leans down to whisper in my ear.

"I'm sorry Gray-sama, please forgive me." she pouts. It's not a real pout, she knows exactly what she's doing. 

Gray-sama. She got dared once during a drinking game to call me that for the rest of the night. In my own drunken state, I may have stupidly admitted to Cana of all people, that I found it cute her calling me that. Cana of course can't keep a secret. Juvia now uses it to butter me up when she's in trouble with me or if she's trying to get me to do something I don't wanna do.

Her saying that while on top of me though, when I am already feeling aroused, is a whole other level. I have to get her off me. The only thing between her and my growing erection is the thin bed sheets, she will surely be in for a shock if she stays there any longer. 

"Damn it Juvia! I forgive you, just get up so I can take a shower." I say quickly sitting up, giving her a light slap on her hip, signalling her to move herself. She smirks and slowly gets off me. As she shifts to do so, her leg ever so slightly grazes against my member, and it takes everything in my power not to groan at the sensation. Really Gray - are you really that turned on by her that the tiniest unintentional touch can have this effect you, control yourself for gods sake.

The moment she is off me I shift into a better position to hide myself. She walks towards the door, I watch her curvaceous figure sway as she walks. Just before she leaves she turns back to look at me. The mischievous look on her face has now disappeared and is replaced with a beaming, innocent smile that makes my heart skip a beat.

"There are some pancakes downstairs with your name on them. Don't take to long Gray." And with that she leaves, shutting the door behind her. I breath a sigh of relief. She's my best friend, I really need to stop thinking perverted thoughts about her. I just can't help it. I enjoyed that wake up call a bit more than I should have.

I looked at my clock and then I look down at my big problem. If I had more time to spare I would think about taking care of myself, however time is not on my side today. A cold shower it is. As the water rains over me, I still can't take my mind off her. I run my hand through my hair as I lean my forehead against tiled walls of the shower. God damn it, why after all this time does my feelings for that girl never fade. I want her so badly, but I can't act on my feelings for her. I am no good at the relationship thing, I have managed to hurt every other girl I have been involved with. I will not be the source of any pain for Juvia. 

Once I'm ready, I head downstairs. Everyone else is already there sat around the breakfast bar. They all turn to look at me. The look on Natsu's face is already pissing me off.

"What you looking at flame for brains?" I say irritably. 

"I heard you scream like a little girl. You are a true ice princess." Natsu's grin widens.

"You want to fight me flame breath?!" I yell back at him. He stands up off his chair squaring up to me.

"Bring it on ice prick! I'm all fired up!" Before we could get into it, Ezra grabbed both our heads and knocked them together. "OWWW" we both yell.

"Stop messing around you two. You need to leave in 15 minutes. I will not have you make sweet Juvia late for the exam." she seethes, the dark aura growing around her. 


Lucy and Juvia just smile at our interaction. I sat down and Juvia leaned over the back of my shoulder to place some pancakes and a coffee down in front of me. "Eat up Gray. No great brain can function on an empty stomach." she says as she rests her hands on my shoulders before turning to continue with clearing the kitchen up. Her touch instantly relaxes me, and I dig in to the food she gave me.

After I finish eating, myself, Juvia and Natsu head out the door to make the walk towards the University campus. We all have the same exam. Although Juvia studies something different to me and Natsu, we have some of the same modules. Biochemistry being one of them. The walk is unusually silent. Juvia and Nastu can normally chat about anything and everything, over the most random topics. 

I look down at Juvia who is looking down at the ground, fiddling with her hands. She's nervous. I give her a light nudge with my elbow. "Hey, you alright?"

She looks back up at me with a small smile. "I'm fine, just a little nervous. I will be okay once we start." I nod at her statement. We continue to walk in silence until we are standing outside the exam hall. 

"Good luck Juvia." I lean down to whisper to her, putting my hand on the small of her back just before we enter, hoping it will give her a small comfort. She gives me that beautiful, genuine smile in return. 

"You too Gray-sama, do your best."

"Hey, what about me? Where are my loving words of encouragement ice prick?" Natsu whines.

"Shut up flame brain. I don't care about you!"

"I wish you luck, Natsu! Give it all you've got." Juvia chimes as she walks in front of us, turning around to give us a quick wink before entering the hall to take her seat. What the hell, it's as if the nervous girl from 5 minutes ago just disappeared into thin air. And with that time is up, we follow her in to take our seats for the exam.

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