Chapter 11

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Gray's POV

It's been five weeks since I last saw, or even spoke to Juvia. Damn I miss her. Erza is due to meet her from the airport late this evening, tonight she finally joins the rest of us at Akane Resort for the rest of the summer.

Lucy's dad owns the resort, and invited everybody to stay in some of its best rooms. It's been fun being here with everyone, but it isn't the same without Juvia. I've thought about her the whole time. I feel excited but apprehensive about her arrival. I'm still not sure whether I'm going to tell her how I feel about her yet, but I am gonna make damn sure I apologise and get our relationship back to where it was before.

I'm standing on the patio of our room that I share with Natsu, Lucy and soon to be Juvia. I say room, more like luxury villa in which we all have our own spacious bedrooms with a large shared lounge area that has huge sliding doors opening out onto the patio, which consists of its own own plunge pool and hot tub. All overlooking the ocean. The view is breathtaking, and I know Juvia will love it. Lucy says that even though all the rooms are pretty much like this, we definitely have the best one.

"Whatcha doing Gray?" I hear Erza's voice behind me. Everyone else has gone to dinner, I've decided to skip out on it, too preoccupied with my impending reunion with Juvia.

"Hey Erza, Just........thinking." I respond flatly.

"Well I was just thinking too. Why don't you meet Juvia from the airport? The journey back will give you some time to talk." I feel my stomach swirl.

"Do you really think I am the first person she wants to see when she gets off that plane, what a nice welcome gift!" I say sarcastically.

"Actually I think she would really appreciate it. I know you're nervous but she misses you Gray. And I don't need to psychoanalyse anyone to know that, she offered that information to me herself." My heart flutters at her words. Juvia misses me. That gives me a new found confidence and energy to make things right.

"I will go meet her, when is the car leaving?" I ask her. She smiles at me.

"Ten minutes, good luck Gray." Erza places her hand on my shoulder before leaving me alone again. 

I smile. If I had time I would of brought Juvia some flowers or something to take with me, as a way of an apology. But I have thought of something else that she might find more endearing. I prepare myself and head to the front of the hotel and slide into the back of the waiting car.

Juvia's POV

I have just got off the plane, and am waiting for my luggage to come around on the conveyer belt. I'm so excited to see everyone, but I'm so exhausted right now. The image of Gray plays through my mind.

I don't know how to feel about seeing him. This is the longest we have ever gone without speaking. He upset me so much that day. What disturbed me more though, soon after our fight once I calmed down, was the jealousy that seeped through my body. He slept with Sorano. I can truly say there is only a handful of people I can say I despise, she is one of them. That made it worse. But even after all that, I can't help but miss him. Nor has my feelings for him changed. I guess absence does make the heart grow fonder.

I finally see my suitcase and pull it off the belt and make my way towards the exit of the airport. I love airports. When you come out and see all those people waiting for friends and loved ones to arrive, and all the happy smiles of those who have been reunited after however long, it warms my heart.

I walk out and immediately look for Erza's bright red hair. I don't see her. Is she running late? I haven't received any messages from her. Then someone catches my eye and I take a sharp intake of breath.

"Gray?" I manage to breathe out, not that he can hear me from that distance. He's holding up a sign with my name on it, he shyly smiles at me. He then turns the sign the other way which reads the words "I'm sorry."

My stomach does flips and my heart beats fast. It's so simple but him holding that sign, in the middle of airport for anyone else to see, his cheeks slightly flushed red, is the most adorable thing I have ever seen. Any anger that I may have held onto has completely drained away.

Dragging my suitcase behind me, I start to run towards him, I can't stop the smile on my face. Just before I reach him I let go of my suitcase and jump on him to encase him in a tight hug.

"Oooffff Juvia!" I've taken him by surprise, he nearly falls backwards, but it only takes a second for him to regain his balance and wrap his arms around my waist, returning the hug with the same enthusiasm as me. 

"Im sorry." he whispers in my ear, he has yet to put me down. God I missed him so much. It's been about two months since we've been this close.

"I know." I whisper back. He lowers my feet back to the ground. We both just stare at each other for a moment before Gray comes back to his senses first.

"Here, let me take your bag." he says grabbing the handle of my suitcase. He puts his free hand on the small of my back and guides me out of the airport to the car. The driver comes to take my bag while me and Gray get into the back of the car. 

The partition between us and the driver is already closed, so we are free to talk privately. I look at Gray, he's shifting in his seat awkwardly. He's nervous, and I find that even more endearing.

"As much as that was the best hello I didn't expect to get, we have to talk things out. I'm sure you have questions. I want to get this out the way, I want us to return to normal. So shoot." he finally speaks up.

"So business like Mr Fullbuster." I respond teasingly. He's right though, I have questions about what was going on. Even so, I have already forgiven him and want to make the mood a bit lighter so he can feel more at ease with me again.

"Be serious would ya!" He scolds, but I can see the slightest hint of a smile.

"Ok fine. Did you sleep with Sorano?" He looks taken back. 

"Seriously, that's your first question? Yes, I did." He responds but looks away from me as he does so. My heart aches a little bit.

"Why?" I ask bluntly.

"Something happened that night that I really didn't like. I needed something to take my mind off it, I knew she'd be easy. I haven't seen her since nor do I plan too." he looks embarrassed. So it really was just a one night stand. Another wave of relief washes over me.

"What upset you?" Is my next question. He hesitates before he answers.

"I'm sorry Juv, I'm not ready to share that with you just yet." he gives me an apologetic look.

"Ok, I can understand that. Why were you ignoring me for all that time and pushing me away?" I ask softly.

"Those two things are linked Juvia, I can't answer that right now."

"Okay then, how about this one final you think I'm a slut?" I say meekly. His words about my activities with Sting hurt me a lot, I hated what he insinuated. His eyes widen.

"No! Of course I don't! I wasn't dealing with my own shit very well and I took it out on you. I'm sorry I made you feel that way, you didn't deserve it." he looks utterly ashamed of himself, he struggles to look me in the eye. I sigh with relief.

I scoot closer to him, lean my head on his shoulder and wrap my arm around his waist in another hug.

"I forgive you Gray-sama. Don't let this torment you anymore." I whisper to him, enjoying the warm of his body once again. He seems to instantly relax, and proceeds to curl his own arm around my waist in response. 

"Thank you Juvia." he whispers back. "How come you got such a late flight over here?"

"I came straight from the research facility, today was my last day. That was the soonest flight I could get." I respond faintly, tiredness starting to take over my body, and Gray was so comfy to lay on.

"I look forward to hearing all about it. But you must be exhausted. Sleep for a while, I don't mind." he tells me. He reaches his hand up to stroke my hair. I close my eyes and hum in response. I drift off into sleep shortly after. Content that things can finally return to normal.

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