Chapter 25

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Juvia's POV

It's been a fun evening so far. I have spent most of my time speaking with Silver, Gray holding me next to him the entire evening. At the moment we have been joined by Natsu, his father, Igneel, and his twelve year old sister, Wendy.

"Wendy, that dress looks lovely on you. You're turning into a right little fashionista." I observe as I hold her hand to encourage her to give me a twirl so I can see the full outfit. She beams at me, clearly proud of herself. I love Wendy, she's such a cute kid.

"Thank you Juvia-chan. You look so beautiful!" Wendy compliments me back.

"Yeah! Way too good for you Gray!" Natsu exclaims. Gray scowls at him.

"Don't discourage her Natsu! I've waited a long time for Juvia-chan to become my daughter-in-law. She will give me thirty-three beautiful grandkids!" Silver states. My eyes widen. Thirty-three? I'm not sure that is even physically possible.

"Dad..." Gray try's to stop one of Silvers ramblings, but it's already too late.

"What son? You will get to have a lot of fun making them." Silver smirks at us. Both me and Gray start turning a brilliant shade of red. Wendy also has a blush on her face, she may be younger than us, but she knows about where babies come from.


"According to Cana, you've already started." Silver continues.


"They have, I saw them." Natsu chimes in, highly amused with the current conversation.

"Natsu!" This time both Gray and myself yell at him.

"Wow, you kids sure do move fast these days." Igneel says with a grin on his face watching the scene.

"Okay! Stop! Dad it's way to soon for you to bring up marriage and babies!" Gray turns back to his farther.

"Not too soon for you to start practising to make them though?" Silver retorts back smugly. Gray lets out an exasperated sigh of defeat. I hide my head on his shoulder in embarrassment. Just at that moment the announcer calls everyone to the dance floor.

"Oh thank god!" Gray utters and drags me to the dance floor away from the rest of the group.

It has come to the time of the evening where we all need to participate in some traditional dances. They are set steps and involve switching partners throughout, so although I will start off with Gray as my partner, we will dance with multiple other people.

As the first song begins, Gray rests one hand on my waist, the other connects our hands, my free hand on his shoulder.

"Sorry about dad, he doesn't come with a filter." Gray tells me as the dance starts. I laugh.

"I know. I am already used to his ways. I don't think I have ever seen you so keen to dance before." I tease him.

"It was either this or strip, I thought dancing would be more appropriate." He chuckles as he leads me. Eventually the time comes to change partners, I give Gray a quick kiss goodbye and turn to face my next partner. Lyon.

"Thanks for warming her up for me Gray but Juvia deserves a much better dance partner than you," Lyon smirks as he pulls me away from Gray. 

"Shut up bastard!" I hear Gray groan, but he takes the hand of his new partner, Meredy. 

"It's about time he manned up and confessed to you." Lyon smiles at me. I stare at him with a perplexed look. Had I been in Lyon's position, I would of struggled to act happy for us.

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