Chapter 23

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Juvia's POV

I'm standing out on the balcony of my bedroom looking out to the ocean. I have always found the presence of water calming, whether it be the sea or the rain. I'm nervous for today. I've already got dressed into my dark blue jeans and a white tank top. 

I feel a pair of muscular arms wrap around me from behind, my body relaxes at his touch as he nuzzles into my neck. 

'Why are you dressed? You've depraved me of my new favourite sight to wake up to in morning,' he says huskily. 

'And what sight is that exactly?' I ask.

'You. Naked. In my arms,' he kisses my jaw after every word.

'Two out of three ain't bad,' I giggle. I turn around to face him, wrapping my arms around his neck. I can see he has not bothered to get into any clothes whatsoever. I reach up to give him a soft kiss.

'Three out of three is better. Would you object if I get rid of all your clothing again and stay with me in bed all day?' God how I wish I could take him up on his offer. A wave of guilt washes over me. I had partially hoped he would sleep in longer so I could sneak off with no questions asked, at least for this morning, but now I am going to have to lie to him.

'As appealing as that sounds, I already promised Natsu I would go with him to Clover Town today.' He frowns. Me choosing to spend the day with Natsu over him is probably not what he wants to hear.

'Didn't you go there yesterday with the girls?' He cant hide his disappointed tone.

'I did, and I told Natsu that I found the perfect birthday gift there for him to get Lucy. It's in two weeks remember?' This isn't actually a lie, I did find something that she would love and have told Natsu we should get it while we are there.

'Oh, well can I come with you?' Shit, I didn't count on him asking me that. Gray hates shopping, why of all times does he want to come now?

'Normally I would say yes, but you would be ruining my attempt to get him and Lucy together.' Again, this is not a lie. I do want to try and get Natsu to open up to me about Lucy. And I intend to tell Gray as much of the truth as I can, only omitting the main reason for our trip.

'What are planning on doing? How would I ruin it?' He suddenly perks up, probably realising that I am actually scheming to get my friends to realise their feelings for each other, rather than using it as an excuse to avoid him. I feel a small bit of relief in that his previous disappointment seems to have diminished.

'Talk. That is all. But he won't open up to me when you are there. That's why I am keeping this visit quiet, I can't have anyone else come along.' He sighs in defeat after my explanation, he knows I'm right.

'I'm sorry Gray-sama, but we should only be a few hours.' I try to reason.

'Yes, but then you will spend the rest of the afternoon getting ready with Lucy for the party with our parents tonight.' He grumbles. That's true. Lucy's dad also holds a party for our families at his mansion towards the end of summer. 

'Then we have the whole evening to spend together.'

'Yes, but I have to share you with people. My dads going to be there, he will probably steal you away the entire night! Especially once he finds out we are together now. And if not him it will be Lyon,' he says frustratedly. I laugh at him, although I secretly enjoy his possessiveness.

'Well then, you will just have to hold me tight the entire night, that way they are less likely to abduct me,' I tell him. His lips turn up into a grin and he lights up with realisation. 

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