Chapter 17

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Third Person POV

Juvia looked at herself in the mirror, turning in order to view every angle. She had put on a matching black lace bra and thong. It is simple but should be effective. Tonight her and Gray were going to have their movie night, but if last night is anything to go by, a lot more was insinuated. Therefore Juvia wanted to make sure she looked sexy enough but without going over the top.

Satisfied with her appearance, she put a black tank top and dark denim shorts over the top. Lucy and Natsu wouldn't be back until tomorrow morning since they have gone with Ezra and Levy to Lucy's fathers estate, where they and their parents had been invited for dinner and to stay the night. Everyone else is keeping to themselves, having a much needed night off from heavy drinking (except Cana of course).

Juvia walked into the living room to find room service had already delivered the dinner that they had ordered so they didn't have to go out. Juvia and Gray sat outside on the patio while they ate, happily chatting and laughing like they always had. Eventually heading inside, turning the lights off, settling on the couch ready to put on the movie he had chosen earlier.

As always, Gray makes room for Juvia to sit between his legs and she obliges and settles comfortably, leaning her back against his chest, enjoying being in his arms. The movie starts but it doesn't take long for Gray's mind to wonder. He brushes Juvia's hair out of the way to start planting light kisses on her neck and shoulder. She hums in response. His hands then start to explore over her stomach and tracing over her small waist, curvaceous hips and thighs before making his way back up again. His touch sends shivers down her spine, she felt so ready for this.

"You don't know how many times I've had to stop myself doing this before." he whispers huskily in her ear before gently nibbling on her ear lobe. She sighs happily.

Not wanting him to do all the teasing, Juvia turns around to straddle him and brings his lips to meet hers, cupping his face as she does so. His hands hold on to her waist as he eagerly responds to her kisses, running his tongue along her lower lip, trying to entice her mouth open. He groans in frustration when she doesn't allow him straight away, a giggle escapes her.

He lightly pulls on her hair to coax her mouth open and she eventually allows him, tilting her head to deepen the kiss as she runs her hand up to slide through his hair. When they pull away for air, both their chests heaving, Gray returns to attacking her neck, kissing and sucking. Juvia lets out small whimpers every time he hits a sensitive spot. 

He trails further down until he gives the same treatment to her cleavage. Needing him to touch more of her, Juvia pulls away briefly to reach for the hem of her top and pulls its over her head. Gray's eyes widen, the thin, lacy material now the only thing covering her breasts. He dives down to continue his assault on her, trailing his mouth along the line where the lace meets her skin.

He encases his mouth around a nipple, twirling his tongue around the hardened bud. Juvia gasps at the sensation, she can still feel his hot breath through the lace, which although pleasant, is providing a frustrating barrier. She whines in irritation and he lets out a chuckle, it's his turn to laugh at her impatience. 

She can feel his hardness between her legs, wanting to hurry him along she rolls her hips to press herself against it, making a low rumble echo through his chest, his grip on her waist tightening.

"If you don't want to go any further, now is the time to stop." he mumbles into her chest, his dark eyes looking up to hers, boring into her. She can see the desire in them, he doesn't want to stop, and neither does she. She slowly removes herself from him, she can see the disappointment in his face as he believes she doesn't want to go further.  She turns her back to him, and starts to undo the button and zipper on her shorts, hooking her thumps into the sides. She peers over her shoulder to look back at him, seeing he is watch her intently. She pushes her shorts down so they pool at her feet. She hears his straggled breath, and smirks internally at his reaction.

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