Nature Calls

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Once again, she was all alone. Instead of shedding tears inside the broken ruins and under withered canopies, she decided to visit the sunny corners of her soul.
She wandered around the beautiful sandy beaches that she had ever seen.
Even if she no longer had visitors bringing her flowers and chandeliers to decorate her surroundings, it was still beautiful and natural.
She let nature do her makeover and heal her scars.
The sun shone brightly and warmed her skin, making her appear as radiant as ever.
The breeze blew through her brown silky hair, reinforcing vitality again.
The sand provided a soft platform to rest her wounded and tired feet due to frequent visits in barren and broken lands.
She et her consciousness swept through every thought and let the chirps of happy birds be her music.
Nature was bewitched by what her soul has conquered and whispered to her  "We are one".

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