Chapter Two

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We were setting up our beds when Gemma walked in screaming like she'd seen death.

"Gem, Gem what's wrong, calm down" I said calmly

"Sp...spi...spider...giant...ahhhh!" she cried

Maddy walked in with a tarantula in her hand

"This little baby wouldn't hurt a fly... well actually she would, she eats flies" Maddy said

"Gem give her a kiss won't you" Matty laughed.

"Matty come on you know she's freaked out by spiders. Just put it outside before I squash it. Alright?" I said sternly

"Fine" Matty harrumphed and walked out to put the spider outside.

"So who's up for truth or dare?" Serena asked setting up a spinner. We sat in a circle around the spinner and Matty span first, it landed on Jasmine.

 "Truth or dare?"

"uh... truth"

 "What was the weirdest dream you've ever had?"

"Um... well, I was standing in a dark room, but I had no control over my body, people were talking, they were saying like, 'do you think the plan will work' and 'do you think they'll suspect anything ' then they turned towards me and said 'we have a visitor let's welcome them' then he jumped at me and I woke up. Yep that's the weirdest dream I've had."

"Wow...well your spin" Stephanie span the spinner and it landed on Christian.

"Truth or dare?"


"Allow me to give you a makeover" Stephanie giggled

"Fine" He agreed. She then went to work with makeup, blush, mascara, eyeliner, lipstick and eye shadow.

"You look like a girl!" Jasmine laughed

"Your turn Christian!" Said Amanda. Christian spun the spinner and it landed on Katrina

"Truth or dare?" He asked me


"What is your favourite place and why?"

"uh... the beach because it reminds me of ... the camping trip we went on, haha" I said nervously, I almost slipped again.

"Ok well your spin" everyone was looking at me strangely. I span the bottle and it landed on Maddy.

"Truth or dare?"


"I dare you to go next door and yell to the neighbour 'I've lost my voice can you help me find it!' at the top of your lungs" I grinned

"Fine I will" we all followed her outside, she got the neighbour door and knocked. He answered and she yelled at the top of her lungs right in his face

"I've lost my voice can you help me find it!" He looked at her and slammed the door, we fell out of the bush laughing our heads off. It was hilarious. We were rolling around on the floor laughing, when we heard a large bang, almost like lightning hitting a tin roof. We looked up to see where the noise came from. There on the roof, was a chicken. Not just a normal chicken, it was a giant chicken with  human face and chicken wings and feet. That wasn't the weirdest thing though, the face was human, but not just any human, and it was Mrs Frezle.

 "It's Mrs Frezle! She's a chicken" Yelled Maddy

"Yes, I can see that, Maddy!" Yelled Matty

"Oh no!"  Christian whispered. Poor Christian looked like he was about to be sick

"Hey it's alright, we'll... uh I don't know what we'll do, but we'll figure it out" I told him

"It can't really be her... can it?" asked Stephanie quietly

"I don't know" I said

"It's really her, and we need to kill it... her... uhh. NOW!" yelled Christian

"Ok... Umm, what do we do? Fight it?" I asked.

"Uh I guess, we cant just leave it here, can we lead it away?" Steph asked.

"No! We have to kill it!" Christian yelled. Everybody looked at him strangely.

"Go get something sharp." He yelled to everyone.

"While their attacking, Matty and Maddy distract Mrs Frezle." He said to the twins.

"How?" They asked in unison, then they lookede at eachother and shared a knowing grin.

Jasmine and Serena ran inside and a minute later they came out with a handful of knives, they gave Gemma, Stephanie, Amanda and me one each and we sneaked behind Mrs Frezle, Maddy and Matty taunted the monster.

"Hey ugly! Did you fall out of the ugly truck, or were you pushed?" Maddy asked "I've wanted to say that all year now."

Mrs Frezle made a squawking noise then ran at Maddy, Maddy held her ground until last minute when she jumped out of the way and Mrs Frezle ran straight into the wall. She bounced right of a dazed. Just then Christian ran ut of the house with a blanket.

"Now!" I yelled and Christian threw the blanket on Mrs Frezle while she was dazed. Gemma, Stephanie, Serena, Jasmine, Amanda and I jumped Mrs Frezle as she struggled with the blanket. We stabbed with our knives, but Mrs Frezle got free, she got on top of Jasmine. I ran and jumped on Mrs Frezle and tackled  her to the ground. I stabbed her and before she turned to dust she said

"Little demi-god do not worry your time will come"

When she was gone, everyone looked at Me.

"Kat, you just saved me" Jasmine sobbed as Gemma hugged her.

"You like just went all Jacky Chan on her chicken ass!" Matty laughed

"Am I the only one that's going to ask something constructive? What was that?" Stephanie asked

"I don't know but I really wanted to punch it!" Amanda huffed

"It was a harpy" Said Gemma matter of factly

"Wait did you just say harpy? But harpies aren't real... are they?" Maddy asked

"Let's get out of here" Christian said he was chewing his nails again

"Ok but why? I mean I realise that was a monster but it won't come back will it?" Gemma asked

"It will, I'll explain on the way" Christian said walking off and we followed.

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