Chapter One

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People think that my friends and I are just normal slightly weird people. But it's not true and on our second year of high school they figured this out. I'll tell you the story but it won't be easy. It all started first day of year 8. We never really fit in, We were all really different. We came together.

"Amanda have you finished your history homework yet?" I whined.

"Oh my gosh! History I totally forgot, which one was this? The Greek one or the Egypt one?" Amanda asked

"The Greek one obviously. είσαι τόσο ηλίθιος" In said

"Wait that's your so great, right?" Amanda asked with a smile

"No you idiot, it's you are so stupid"

"Oh, wait where's Serena?"

"Right here" Said Serena out of breath

"We've got to get to class or we'll all get a detention!" Yelled Maddeline and Matilda.

Maddeline and Matilda are identical twins they are total pranksters, we call them Maddy and Matty, they always get them in trouble. One time they swapped my toothpaste with super glue, I spent 3 hours in the nurse's office trying to get my mouth open. Amanda is the forgetful, sporty, buff of the group, whenever a competition is on she's there right away. Serena she's the really pretty one, she's like their official stylist, whenever a party is on she's right there. Then there's my other friends Jasmine, Stephanie, Gemma and Christian. Jasmine is really musical she plays every instrument ever invented. Stephanie she loves to build things, just making things and pulling them apart then making something new. Gemma she's my best friend she's very smart and loves to design architecture, she's always keeping me inline. Then there's Christian he is peculiar he eats everything and is totally in tune with nature. Finally there's me, I don't really fit. All my friends either grew up without a mum or dad, but my dad left when I was young and my mum and grandparents died in a car accident. I grew up in foster care, in abusive families. But I doesn't tell my friends, I doesn't want them to think any different of me. We all go to Wollongong Public College.

"And Katrina do you know the answer to question 2?" Mrs Frezle, our History teacher asked Me

"Um... πουλί I think" I stammered

"Yes, well done you can listen" said Mrs Frezle scornfully

Next to me, she saw Maddy and Matty getting ready to spit ball. She tried not to laugh as a barrage of white ball get stuck in Mrs Frezle's grey streaked, red frizzy hair. She turned around and glared at me.

"Katrina see me in my office after class"

Gemma turned to Maddy and Matty and gave them a death stare then turned to me and gave me a pity smile.

"Ready for tonight?"  Gemma asked us. It was our first sleepover of the year. The bell rang and we got onto our bus.

"Maddy can you see something over there?" Matty asked

"Why yes Matty I see a big cow sitting right in front of us, oh sorry it's just you Abbafail" Maddy snickered

"It's Abagail, you weirdo's" 

I had to break up a fight after Matty spat her chewy into Abagail's hair. They managed to get off the bus without a detention, but they're not allowed back onto the bus for another week. We got off and said we'd meet up at 4.

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