Chapter Eight

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I knew I was being watched the second I stepped out of that sewer. I was angry with Gemma but I knew I had to deal with the on lookers first.

"You guys just gonna stare, or are you gonna come and chat?" I yelled then two men jumped out from behind the building. I turned to them. One was dressed in all black and the other was wearing a Hawaiian shirt for some reason. The others ran out with knives in hand, ready to fight.

"Who are they?" Serena asked

"I don't know but one is wearing a Hawaiian shirt. Cool!" Maddy laughed

"Hey it's camouflage!" Hawaiian shirt yelled. We all laughed at him.

"We've come to take the obvious daughter of Poseidon! Hand her over and you can all live!" The black clothed one yelled. The group looked at each other confused.

"I have to questions for you. Ok, how do you expect to beat us when you're hopelessly out numbered? Also how do you know which one of us is a daughter of Poseidon?" I asked

"Well for one we have back up, and for your second question, it's obvious. You do realise that you, green eyes, just made the fountain explode on your friend, don't you?" Black clothes asked. I went an unhealthy shade of white. Everyone looked at me in surprise.

"Katrina, did you know this?" Christian asked

"No, but I didn't mean to. But I'll understand if you'll let them take me." I said hanging my head.

"Bah, we may be angry but we're not that angry. Is everyone ready?" Gemma asked smiling at the two men.

"Yes!" Everyone yelled in chorus. They all ran forward. The two men's eyes widened, and they ran away. They all stopped and stared.

"Come back you wooseys!" Yelled Serena shaking her fist in their direction.

"Guys, now that Katrina basically knows that she's Poseidon's daughter we need to hurry. So I'm calling in some friends. Sorry Katrina we're going to have to fly." Christian said sheepishly.

"It's okay" I said shuddering. Just then a shadow passed over them, we all looked up and saw large shapes flying  over our heads. The shapes landed.

"Unicorns!" Yelled Stephanie.

Unicorns! We are pegasi thanks you very much!

"Wait, who said that?" I said looking around. Everyone looked at me like I was crazy.

"Who said what?" Gemma asked quizzically.

I did you imbecile, I'm Amber, these are my friends Flash, Vestro, Lightning and Zap. We're behind you.

I turned and I saw the winged horses. One was a beautiful shade of wood red, she was the one called Amber. One was a pure white, the others were multi coloured palominos. They all had amazing, large, strong wings.

"Uh... hi. We need a lift to... what did Christian call them? Oh, that's right... the guardians." I asked the pegasis.

"Uh Katrina your talking to a horse." Jasmine stated.

"Yeah I know. I can understand them. This is Amber, Flash, Vestro, Lightning and Zap." I said stroking Amber's mane.

" Ok, my strength isn't math but even I can tell theirs nine of us and five of them." Matty said.

"Can you carry to people?" Amanda asked Amber.

I can carry three for your information. Ape! Amber snorted

"Hey that's my friend! Be a little nice would you! She says yes they can" I said rolling my eyes.

Well then what are you waiting for get on, monkey. Do you have any apples?

"I don't have any apples, sorry. Ok everyone get on!" Everyone was paired up on a pegasis, except for me, I rode on my own, Amber was being a bit rude. The pegasi flapped their wing and we were up in the sky. The city was getting smaller and smaller.

"This is amazing!" Yelled Amanda

"I could get used to this!" Yelled Maddy

Well don't! I only ride for the daughter of Poseidon! Neighed Amber

"Thanks Amber. I like you too" I smiled. Then we fell asleep, flying above the city.

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