Chapter Six

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There was good news and bad news, Christian had told us. The good news was that we'd made it to the first rest stop. The bad news was the first rest stop was a sewer. And it stunk, not just cat litter stink, it was like every cat litter tray had been emptied into this one spot. And it had rats. So many rats, it was disgusting.

"Okay. Explain to me again why we're in a sewer?" Stephanie said trying hard not to breathe through her nose.

"It will mask the scent of this many demigods together in one place." He said matter of factly

"Okay dokay, how about we talk to take our minds off of our... situation. What about we talk about our families?" Serena inquired.

"Okay we'll go first" Maddy said looking at Matty with an 'I dare you to say otherwise'. She didn't.

"So we were born and now we're here there you go. You next Stephanie." She said smiling.

"Come on seriously, I think we should know more about each other if we're going to be travelling together for a while. " She said looking at Maddy and Matty. They sighed.

"Okay. Our dad left before we were born. We were born in Australia but our mum is German. We never really stayed in one place, we moved house a lot. Moved schools even more. Then we came to our school or the one that we were at a day ago at least. And we are so scared of not being able to move, like paralysation and stuff" She finished then looked around the group expectantly.

"And we're really scared of heights" Matty added for good measure.

"Fine I'll go next."  Gemma sighed "My mum left when I was born. I was raised by my dad, and his wife. She was really nice, she treated me like her own daughter. I was always top of the class since I was young. The answers to every question seemed to come to me and if they didn't and I didn't know the answer I had to find out before the others. And as you know I hate spiders." She shuddered.

"'Kay guess I'm next then" Serena said "Well I was born, obviously and I can't resist a challenge, I get really competitive. I moved schools a lot, I'm also ADHD. I hate losing too" She said embarrassed.

"Well, I really like clothes and colours. I never knew my mum and I hate clashing colours" Stephanie said shuddering.

"Okay... well, I love music and medicine. I didn't know my dad. I also have ADHD. I hate horrible music." Jasmine said shrugging.

"I like to build things, I didn't know my dad and I am terrified of heights" Amanda said matter of factly. Everybody looked and Christian and I.

"Uh... Christian you can go first." I said nervously, cracking my knuckles.  I did that when I was nervous.

"Okay, well my mum was a tree nymph and my dad is a satyr." He said looking at us.

"Prove it!" yelled Maddy laughing. Then Christian took his pants off. The laughing stopped. Instead of legs he had a goat's hind quarter. We all stared at his legs. Until he looked at me.

"Now you Katrina I'm interested to find out about your past." Everyone murmured an agreement.

"Fine I guess since we're travelling with you, you may as well know the truth." Everyone looked at me expectantly. "When I was young, about five years old, my mum and grandparents and I were driving to our holiday house by the beach. It was raining and the road was slippery, the truck hit us on the side. Our car slid across the road. I still remember the day vividly. My mum looked at me and said "I love you. Tell your dad I loved him" then she closed her eyes and went limp. I yelled to my grandparents for help, but they weren't moving. I was trapped in the burning car for at least half an hour, that's when the firefighters got there. They found me and took me to the hospital. I cried the whole time. After that day I vowed never to cry again. After about a week the foster care agency took me in and put me on the roster. I spent two years there, until I was adopted. The family was horrible they abused me and hurt me every time I didn't do something they liked. I got this scar..." I said lifting up the back of my shirt " When I was doing the dishes, and I left a speck on a plate. The woman picked up the knife and said I was useless and a waste of space and I should've died in that car crash. She then stabbed at me with the knife, I dodged far enough that it didn't go too deeply. The foster agency found out and took me away. I know live with a different family that I much nicer. But I can't trust anyone. And I enjoy swimming. And I'm gluten and lactose intolerant also I'm a perfectionist." I stopped and everyone was looking at me with their mouths open.

"You told me that you lived with your parents." Gemma stammered

"That's horrible. How come you didn't tell anyone this? Is Katrina Morgan even your real name?" Amanda narrowed her eyes

"No Morgan isn't my real last name, but I don't know about Katrina. And I didn't tell anyone because it's my problem and I'll deal with it." I said glaring

"Okay how about we go to sleep and talk more in the morning." Christian said nervously





"Cool" We all harrumphed.

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