2 - Squeeze Me Macaroni

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   "Aight, why you heading to GameStop!", the passenger spoke. "Uhh... I dunno. I just got bored." Les nodded. Mike pulled into a convenience store. "I'm hungry, wanna go in?" Mike looked over at Les, he nodded again. The two got out and walked into the 7eleven. "Hmm, can I get uhhhh-"

   Mike was cut off by the sight of him. He ran in leaving Les behind in the doorway. "You! Beard boy! You're perfect!" Mike yelled as he ran. The poor man looked in horror as he couldn't even run. "M-me?" Mike stood with a grin as Les just sauntered to a different isle. "Yes! We need you on this quest! Your name?" He held onto the man shoulders.

   "Jack S-Stauber.." Les came back with a few packs of gum. He looked at Jack and mouthed "I'm sorry" before Mike grabbed some snacks. Jack got his clear milk (literally just water), and Mike grabbed some chips. Probably Doritos or something. They paid, got back in the car, and drove off their way once again. Will they ever get to GameStop? Will they ever be the best band ever? Find out next time!

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