3 - Midnight Cowboy

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  Les was mad that Mike had to piss, and Mike pulled up into another gas station that was a town away from the last station they found. He ran into the store. After leaving the bathroom he decided to lurk around the isles. Mike overheard a conversation someone was having on the phone. "HE LEFT THE F—KIN' BAND!", the man was screaming. Avoiding that, Mike walked out of the store and into the car. Jack was resting his eyes in the back while Les was playing with the radio.

  The guys drove off back onto the road. It was uncomfortably quiet so Les decided to ask Mike about video games he liked. "Y'know, Nintendo and whatever. Mega Man and Metroid are great." Mike likes the classics. Les said he didn't really play games, and he looked back at Jack. Hesitant at first, he finally said a quiet "Nintendogs. Or McDonald's Treasure Land Adventure." That was it. Les lost it, bursting into laughter while Jack just covered his face with his hands. "Sorry, sorry." Les said quickly.

   They drove off into a practically deserted a land. Nothing but sand, cacti, and hippies in their vans. On a road to nowhere, hopefully ending soon.

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