Chapter 10 ~ Sinful Serenity

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Sunlight filtering in through my sheer curtain awoke me the following morning after my discussion with Pitch. Thankfully, I had a free period during the first hour every day of the school week, meaning I could sleep in an hour later than some of the other kids. After the long night I had experienced the evening before, I needed the extra time to snooze. Remembering the story that Pitch had recounted for me in the early hours of the dawn, I forced myself to sit up in bed and look around my room for the Nightmare King. He was still sitting on his favorite perch, my window seat, though his head was tilted back and his eyes closed. Do Guardians sleep? I pondered, staring at his relaxed form. Even in his unconscious state, Pitch Black seemed guarded and uncomfortable. His arms were crossed over his chest, and his eyebrows were knitted together as if he was seeing or hearing something unpleasant. It was rather amusing actually. He had the same moody face he often made even in my presence.

As I shifted in bed to get a closer look at him, my mattress springs squeaked and Pitch jolted awake. "What are you staring at?" He yawned, calming down once he realized it was only me making the noise. I blushed, shaking my head as I got up and walked over to my closet. "You." I replied simply. I wasn't going to lie to Pitch. "Whatever for, my dear?" "Cause you were snoring..." I joked, winking at him. The Boogeyman scoffed, "I do not snore!" Laughing at his adamant reply, I gathered the articles of my outfit for the day.

Some time later, I was dressed and doing my makeup. I had shooed Pitch out of the room while I changed, letting him back in once my sweater and jeans were on. He was quiet while I did my face, almost contemplative. I gave him silence, waiting for an explanation that never came.

School was as boring as ever, and I spent a majority of it reading the novel I had brought with me to my classes. I counted down the agonizingly dull minutes until I heard the obnoxious bell ring as a sign of my release for the day.

When I got home that evening, the sun was beginning to set on the horizon. The clouds drifted through the darkening sky, glowing fluorescent pink and lavender against the golden rays peeking through them. It was beautiful. As I approached my front door, I saw a tall shadow disappear behind one of our oak trees. Stepping off the porch to investigate, I strode over to the plant, peering around the bark. "Hello, Anara." Pitch's words ghosted over my ear, causing me to jump. Spinning on my heel, I nearly ran into the lean man and the massive black shape at his side.

I tilted my head back to look up, realizing this form was that of a large ebony horse made of sparkling nightmare sand. It's eyes glowed like molten gold. Instead of a flowing mane of hair, this creature had thick, sharp-looking spines trailing from the back of its neck and between its shoulders. Long tendrils of sand whipped in the breeze behind it. Short horns on either side of her mouth curved upwards and toward her neck. The horse was beautiful in a sinister sort of way. "This is Onyx, my steed. She's been my companion and confidant for quite a while now." Pitch explained, stroking his long fingers down the horse's neck. Onyx winnied and nuzzled Pitch's hand, her huge nostrils flaring. "She is amazing, Pitch..." I told him, still in awe as I stared at the animal. Pitch reached for me with the hand he was not using to pet Onyx.

Curiously, I allowed him to take my left hand within his and gently pull me closer. The Nightmare King held my hand in front of Onyx's snout, letting her sniff me to assure her that I was a friend. I felt icy air tickle my fingers as the Nightmare inhaled my scent, snorting when she deemed me acceptable. Pitch moved my hand once again, this time resting it on her massive shoulder, the sand crumbling and regenerating under our fingertips. His palm covered the entirety of my hand as we felt the horse breathing shallowly. "What do you think of her?" The Nightmare King asked, his accented voice calm and hopeful. "I think she is stunning. It's clear that she trusts you." I replied in a hushed tone. "Would you like to ride her?" My friend offered, moving to rub the narrow part of Onyx's nose. Taken aback, I turned to look at Pitch over my shoulder. "Seriously?" He nodded in response. My mom was not going to be home until late again tonight, so a short ride wouldn't hurt. "Okay...Yes. I'd like that a lot." I answered, feeling excitement tumbling in my stomach.

A Shadow's Kiss ~ A Pitch Black/Rise of the Guardians FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now