Chapter 29 ~ Unexpected Addition

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I had been the Guardian of Love for over a year, and the wife of Kozmotis Pitchiner for just short of a year when I received some highly unprecedented news. I was expecting a child with my dear Nightmare King husband. I won't lie and say that I was not surprised. In fact, the whole thing came as quite a shock to us. I was still young, twenty years old actually, when the news of my pregnancy came from an unlikely source. My step daughter, Emily, Mother Nature herself.

It was late February when Emily and I had decided to take a walk together in the nearby forest by my hometown. Snow sparkled on the trees around us, frost covering the dead mid-winter bushes. She had come to visit her father and I, and though we were not very close, I did enjoy speaking with the young woman who meant so much to my husband. I cared about her as if she was my own family though.

As we strode through the woods, arms linked at the elbows, we watched the woodland animals who were not hibernating as they prepared for the coming spring. Emily and I were silent for a long time, simply enjoying one another's companionship. Then my step daughter (it still felt strange saying that) turned to glance at me, her emerald eyes shimmering with eons of knowledge and secrets. "Anara, are you alright? You seem troubled..." She spoke softly, as if she was speaking to one of her forest children. I sighed, deciding to admit what had been troubling me for quite some time. I gazed back at Emily shyly. "I just...I can't help but feel as if you dislike me." I admitted.

I certainly didn't think Emily hated me, and that wasn't my concern. The feeling I had when we spent time together though was as if she didn't quite know what to make of me. Then again, if my father had married a woman centuries younger than me, I probably would not have known how to react or behave either. But Emily had blessed our union and attended our wedding in good spirits, so she must at least accept me in some way. I was just very confused. The girl gave me a confused look in response. "Why would I dislike the woman who has given my father his happiness once again, and will soon provide him with my half sibling," She wondered, then tilted her head thoughtfully. "Although.. I do understand that I may come off aloof sometimes. You must forgive me. It has been ages since I had a mother figure in my life, and now that I am Mother Nature I do my share of parenting. I have forgotten what it is like to be a daughter myself. But I do wish for us to be friends." Emily explained, fixing me with a gleaming white smile.

While I was beyond relieved by her words and truly appreciated them, something else she had said caught my attention. She had said something about me being the mother of her...half-sibling...and soon... My heart raced, preparing myself to respond to her and ask another question. "Thank you, Emily. I completely understand and I appreciate your honesty. Please know that I will never try to replace your mother. But I certainly want to be friends with you too!" I replied, tentatively squeezing her arm. She let out a small laugh, then looked at me with that same knowing gleam in her eyes. "Something concerns you still..." She said. It was not a question. I took a deep breath and nodded in affirmative. "You mentioned something a moment ago. Something about your half-sibling. I must admit I'm not quite sure what you meant..." I tiptoed around my own question, trying to ask it indirectly.

Emily seemed to sense this, chuckling lightly in understanding. "Oh, I must apologize for that as well, Anara. I get ahead of myself sometimes.. That is actually what I wanted to see you about. I wanted to know how the pregnancy is going so far." She stated matter-of-factly with a wave of her hand. I stopped dead in my tracks, feeling my knees weaken. I used my mind to summon Bastet to me, relaxing slightly when I felt her silky fur rub against my legs as she helped me keep my balance. "Anara?" Emily raised her voice, her tone expressing concern for me.

I nodded, holding my chest in a useless effort to slow my accelerated heartbeat. "Yes...I am okay...just...did you say pregnancy? Emily, I'm not sure where you heard that, but I don't believe I am expecting." I said as I stared at her in confusion. Emily gently grasped my upper arms, "Oh Anara, I thought you would've known by now. Rest assured, I am positive you are with child, my sibling in fact. Fertility does fall under my realm of knowledge. I sensed your conception two weeks ago. I am surprised you have not had any symptoms yet. You know what the symptoms of pregnancy are, correct?" She quizzed me, giving me a reassuring smile. "Of course I do! But no, I haven't had any symptoms. How is this possible? I didn't think Guardians could have children, and your father thought the same..." I inquired earnestly. I didn't know whether to be excited or begin to panic. Emily gave me another squeeze. "It is possible. It has simply never happened because no Guardian has ever taken a mate before. This is a first..." She told me.

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