Chapter 20 ~ Nothing Left to Fear

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Pitch POV

The Nightmare King had only known true despair twice in his mortal and immortal lifetimes. The first time had been hundreds of years prior, when he had lost his wife and daughter. And although that was the single most horrendous ordeal he had endured, the Boogeyman had to admit that at this point in time, he was feeling much like he had so long ago. This was the second time he had been hurt so deeply that even the darkness was not a comfort to him. Although part of him felt like leaving Anara was the best thing for her, he knew his decision was one that had been severely influenced by his own rash anger and insecurity, spurred on by the confrontation with Jack Frost.

The words of his beloved echoed in his mind, her devastation prevalent in her voice as she told him how much she loved him, though she admitted that she had told Jack about their relationship. Deep in his heart, Pitch knew that Anara probably meant no harm by keeping her discussion with the Guardian of Fun a secret, but Pitch was seething with betrayal and sadness. Anara was the thing he treasured most in the world, and though he knew it was ridiculous, somehow he felt as if the other Guardians had taken part of her away from him.

However, the Boogeyman soon discovered that being away from Anara was an even more miserable existence than he had endured before their friendship had developed. For two weeks, the Nightmare King remained in the solitude of his lair, with only Onyx as his companion, brooding over his argument with Anara. He had acted like a complete prat to the only person who had shown him any affection since his transformation into Pitch Black. He kept replaying the moments in his head, watching Anara begin to break...all as a result of his actions and words. The vision of her tears and pain as he ignored her explanations was too much for the Nightmare King to bear.

Anara Rose was the only thing Pitch had that was worth existing for. If he lost her forever...well...he would rather cease to be believed in all together than have that happen. Pitch Black needed Anara in his life, he loved her. Even though he still felt betrayed by her secret, it was never a question of if he'd forgive her. He had already forgiven her, the moment she began to cry over her mistake. Now, he just needed to forgive himself, and he hoped she could forgive him for his outburst and the misery he had inflicted upon her.

Anara POV

For two weeks, I hardly ate or slept. Ever since Pitch had left me, there had been a void in my heart where he once resided. Now it was hollow and cold, and I knew not what I could do to even begin to heal the hurt that had filled my entire being. After everything we had been through, Pitch had allowed a simple secret to get between us. Well, scratch that, we both allowed it to happen. I knew I should've told my boyfriend immediately of the incident I had with the Guardian of Fun and Jamie Bennett, but I hadn't been able to bring myself to, though I had no fathomable reason why. However, Pitch had overreacted way more than he needed to, at least, that was how I had seen it. But I did need to keep in mind that I didn't witness the confrontation he had with Jack Frost, and I had no idea what Jack may have said.

Jack had attempted to visit me, which would've given me the opportunity to ask him myself; but I was so angry at him that when he appeared outside my window, I threw an empty can of soda at him. The icy spirit quickly disappeared from view and had not returned yet. I understood that he certainly had not meant to hurt me by getting involved in my relationship with Pitch, but he had no right to say or do anything that could affect it. My relationship with Pitch was our business and no one else's. It infuriated me that everyone else seemed to think they knew what was best for me, including Jack Frost.

As for Pitch, my heart ached with every moment that he was gone. Though I tried to distract myself, there was always something around me that reminded me of the Nightmare King. Whether it was the books we read together, or the movies on television, or the hoove steps of Obsidian trotting around the house, I was haunted with constant reminders of our love. I longed to speak with him again, though my bitterness played a large part in preventing me from making my way to the forest and journeying into the Boogeyman's lair. I doubted he would even want to see me again. After all, he had made it pretty clear that the last time we saw one another would be our final meeting.

I sat in my backyard, rolling on the grass with Artemis as she wagged her tail happily and tried to cheer me up. I gave my dog a small smile, appreciating her efforts. Suddenly, the husky stiffened in mid-crouch, her tail straightened and hackles standing on end. "What is it, girl?" I asked, feeling my own body tense in apprehension. It was all for nought though, as Artemis suddenly gave a joyful yelp and sprung to her paws, skipping over to a tall lithe shape leaning against a nearby tree. A hand formed from the shadow, reaching out to stroke the dog's head gently. I inhaled sharply as Pitch materialized before me, his eyes reflecting guilt from the very moment our gazes locked.

He opened his mouth to speak and I longed to hear what he had to say, but I made sure not to show him as much. Part of me was still irritated with him. "Anara...I must speak with you. I've made a terrible mess of things..." He said slowly. I scoffed and rolled my eyes. "Gee, you think?" Pitch flinched, stepping toward me. I backed up a few paces and turned around, putting my back to the Nightmare King. "Please...let me explain..." He whispered. I briskly nodded for him to go on, but continued refusing to look at him. Pitch calmly told me the whole story about what happened with Jack and how it made him feel, and why it triggered his accusatory remarks. I listened in silence, finally understanding how the misconceptions had formed in his mind. Still, this story combined with my current feelings were leaving my stomach and mind swirling with emotions of all kinds. Confusion, more anger, sadness, hope, love, understanding...

A chill ran through my body as I felt Pitch's presence behind me, his torso aligned with my spine, our bodies mere centimeters apart. I heard him sigh deeply, and felt him wrap a long set of arms around me, his palms resting over my stomach. Against my willpower, I relaxed into his embrace. "I am so sorry, my Nightmare Queen. I should not have reacted the way I did to the ordeal with Jack Frost and the Bennett child. I know my explanation is no excuse, and you have no reason to listen to me." I remained silent, still disgruntled about Pitch's behavior and his abandonment of me. "Anara, my love, please forgive a foolish old Boogeyman who is in way over his head, particularly in the matters of the heart. You mean so much to me, I love you so much that it hurts to part from you, and I cannot bear to lose you again." He continued, burying his face in the side of my neck.

Even though I was still pissed at the Boogeyman, I still loved him. Taking a deep breath, I nodded and threaded my fingers through Pitch's across my stomach. "Of course I forgive you, my love. But you are not old or foolish. We both made mistakes. I should've told you about Jamie and Jack sooner. I hated when you left me though. Promise me that you won't ever do that to me again." I told the man, turning in his arms to face him. Pitch squeezed me gently and I wound my arms around his narrow shoulders. "I swear, Anara Rose, that I will never leave you like that ever again. I love you..." Smiling, I met my lover's metallic gaze. "And I love you, my Nightmare King." Pitch leaned in, capturing my lips happily, both of us now relaxed and at ease, knowing that together was where we were meant to be.

A Shadow's Kiss ~ A Pitch Black/Rise of the Guardians FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now