Chapter 21 ~ The Anniversary

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Only a short time passed after Pitch and I made up before I came to a realization one evening as I worked on a paper that was going to be due the first week of my freshman term. The small glowing numbers that signified the day's date had caught my attention. With a tiny smile, I realized that it had been a full year since my first meeting with the Boogeyman. So much had changed in such a short time, it was hard to believe that only twelve months had passed since I was able to bring myself to speak a full sentence to the figure that always lingered in the dark depths of my bedroom corners throughout my childhood. And I couldn't be happier. Despite my initial misgivings, I had grown to love the Nightmare King with my entire being, and I had no regrets about my decision the night we made our fateful deal.

The bedroom grew dim as the sun set on the horizon, and a lithe shadow emerged from near my closet. "Hello, my pretty night flower. You look enchanting this evening, just as you always do." Pitch smiled adoringly at me as he slinked closer. Snorting, I gave him a skeptical look. I wasn't wearing any makeup and my long hair was loosely tied back with a scrunchie. I wore only a long dingy t-shirt with a few of my favorite cartoon characters on it, my laptop sitting across my bare thighs as I typed away at the long essay I had been working on for the past hour or so. Still, the way his eyes gleamed told me that he meant every word he said, and he couldn't care less about my current state of disarray. "Thank you, my love. You also look as handsome as ever." I replied, motioning for him to join me on my bed. Pitch slowly lowered himself to the side of me, making sure to kiss my cheek in greeting as he did so. "Guess what today is," I murmured, my fingers tapping on my keyboard as I tried to formulate my thoughts for my next paragraph.

Pitch furrowed his brows in keen interest. "No idea, my dear. Should I remember? I know it is not your birthday already..." I grinned at him, giving him a slight shake of my head. "I mean, it is kinda important, but I don't blame you for not remembering. It was a year ago today that you first bargained with me about your nightly visits. It feels like such a short time ago." I explained. The Boogeyman blinked a moment and then nodded in understanding. "I suppose you are right! I can't believe I forgot. But, yes, that evening was significant. It was the night that both of our lives changed forever." He pointed out. I nodded, wordlessly agreeing with him. "Do you ever regret making the deal with me? I can't help thinking your life would be much easier if you hadn't have done so," He went on.

I turned my full attention to my boyfriend, sensing his inner doubt. "No, I don't even want to think about that. I made the right choice then, and if I had the chance, I would do it again and again even knowing everything I do now. You are the most amazing part of my life Pitch, and you mean more to me than almost anything in the world, the exceptions being my mom and pets. I love you." I affirmed strongly. Pitch nodded and gave a shy grin. "I was hoping you would say that. I am pleased to tell you that those are my sentiments as well. I love you too, Anara." He replied. Content with our small discussion, I returned my focus to my work.

Though I had the essay I needed to finish, it was soon clear to me that Pitch's priorities at the moment were much different than mine were. It was true that I had felt the mattress shift every couple minutes, the Nightmare King steadily scooting closer to me until our thighs were brushing. This was not abnormal behavior, and I found the closeness of our bodies just as comforting as usual. However, the soft moisture of warm breath fanning against my cheek caught me off guard for a moment. I paused in my movements long enough to feel my lover's cool lips graze over my cheek again, this time with more intention than before. To my surprise and interest, his mouth did not immediately part from my face. Instead, he brushed over my jawbone and over the shell of my ear, sending a shiver down my spine. I sighed, closing my eyes to take in the sensation. " are distracting me..." I mumbled. "That's the point, darling." He whispered, sweeping my hair away from my neck in order to continue his path of open mouthed kisses across my skin.

My fingers tightened on my laptop, a soft moan escaping my lips. "I have work to doooooo..." I half whined, trying to fight the delightful thrill that was running through my body. He continued to pepper kisses on every inch of skin he could reach, from my face, down my neck, and even down my arm. "Can't it wait, my nightflower? After all, it is a special occasion, is it not?" Pitch practically purred into my ear. He was torturing me, and he damn well knew it. "Oh, you are a devil, Pitch Black." I hissed, picking up my laptop and setting it on the nightstand on my left.

When I turned back to Pitch, he had a devious gleam in his eyes. I narrowed my eyes at him, grasping his shoulders and pulling myself into his lap so that I was straddling his legs. He smirked mischievously as I moved my hands to cup his face and pressed my lips against his roughly. My boyfriend eagerly responded to the kiss, his movements just as fierce as mine. I felt his large hands rest on the outside of my thighs, his thumbs stroking the smooth skin. I tangled my fingers in his soft dark hair, feeling his sharp teeth nipping at my bottom lip. Pitch's hands trailed upward, gliding over my back to massage small soothing circles on my shoulders. I hummed contentedly, breaking our kiss for a brief moment. I tilted my head and leaned forward to kiss my lover's sharp jawline.

His fingers were suddenly fisted in my hair as I brushed my own lips down his neck. I inhaled his enamoring scent of smoke and cedar. He hissed when I reached a particularly sensitive spot near his pulsepoint, causing me to giggle lightly. "Careful what you get yourself into, darling. My patience is not what it once was. You cannot hold me responsible for anything that transpires if you keep kissing me like that," Pitch growled darkly. I smiled deviously as I responded playfully, "Oooooooh, I'm so scared of the Big Bad Boogeyman...Do you feel my fear?" My hands moved to squeeze his shoulders gently while I met his eyes once again. Pitch's were glowing, and his arms moved to wind around my waist and pull me impossibly closer. "My, what a little demon you are turning into..." The Nightmare King teased before leaning into me once more.

A little while later, Pitch and I found ourselves watching yet another scary movie we both enjoyed. My work had been completely pushed aside for the night, neglected in favor of my time with the man I loved. We laid side by side in my bed. I curled against Pitch snugly, my head resting atop his chest while his long arms curled around my waist. The movie played on the television, flashes of color and light combining with the sound to create a truly masterful picture. I felt my boyfriend's fingers playing with my hair half heartedly, his attention engrossed in the movie. I hummed contentedly, stroking my own fingers up and down his chest softly.

After some time, I shifted so that I could look up at his face. Pitch looked down at me when he felt the movement. "What do you think will happen when the Guardians discover our courtship? When Jack tells them, I mean." The question had been tearing through my stomach for weeks now. The Boogeyman sighed, shaking his head to indicate his own unease. "They will undoubtedly try and drive me back into the darkness, into seclusion. And they will likely lecture you about interacting and cohorting with me, and how awful and toxic I am to be around..." He spat the last part bitterly. I buried my face into his chest, squeezing him tightly. "I won't let that happen, Pitch. Whatever happens, I am yours, and yours alone. No one could take me from you, not even the Guardians. We will make them see. It will all work out." I told him, silently praying that I had the ability to do just as I said.

A Shadow's Kiss ~ A Pitch Black/Rise of the Guardians FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now