「9」 「you」

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"So i'm sleeping in your bed tonight. How exciting!" I exclaimed.
"It is" Daniel chuckled as we fixed his bed.

As I requested, Daniel will be joining me tonight because I didn't feel like sleeping alone on what has been happening recently.

I lay on the bed then he charges his phone. He then joins me on the bed and I faced him, resting my cheek on my knuckles.

"You're so adorable" he giggled, caressing my cheek.
"You're so cute either" I said in a baby voice, caressing both of his cheeks.
"Aight, i'm sleeping. So i'm gonna join you. You sure it's okay? I can sleep at—" I cut him off.
"It's okay, Daniel, seriously. I really need someone to be with right now" I sighed as I frowned, looking at the side of the bed.
"Aw. Okay" he lifts up my chin softly with his index and middle finger.

He rests my head on his chest as he rubbed my back before kissing the top of my head. I blushed at his actions and he stood up to close the lights.

"I'm a cuddler, Daniel. So i'm gonna apologize in advance" I chuckled, pulling the end of my sleeves.
"That's not bad" he slightly smirked.
"Wow" I blinked thrice with an 'o' shape formed in my mouth.

He makes his way to the bed and I laid on my side, facing him again. We talked for what felt like an hour and slowly drifted off to sleep.

「the next day」

My eyes opens heavily, only seeing Daniel infront of my face.

"Oh, morning Sam." he grinned and I blush.
"I'm smelly. I'll just go downstairs after I shower" I said as I rub my eyes.

He nodded with a smile.

I went outside and walked to the bathroom which is next to my room.

As I was gonna open the bathroom door, Corbyn opened it and he was only on sweats. His hair was messed up and wet, which made everything ten times hotter.

"Oh mornin' Samantha" he smiled as he dries his hair with a towel.
"Morning. I'm just gonna take a shower" I said and he giggled.

He left and I entered the bathroom and close the door. I then started to shower.

How many days have I been here?

Does Savannah still care for me?

Will I ever get out of here?

Am I falling for someone?

I wrapped the thick towel around my body and quickly headed back to my room and put some clothes on.

"Pretty as usual" Daniel chuckled as I stepped downstairs.
"How did you two sleep hmm?" Jack smirked, nudging my shoulder.
"Um, great? Daniel just helped me to be calm on everything and that's it" I said, forcing myself not to smile nor react.

Daniel was smiling at the corner of my eye.

"Anyway, Derek is sleeping so we should be a little quiet" Corbyn said above whisper and showed 'little' with his fingers.
"Oh. Okay. W- what happened in the transactions yesterday?" I asked as I pop a fruit in my mouth.
"Successful as always. We have to be careful though. I feel like he really feels something odd on Sam." Corbyn said.
"Geez." I rolled my eyes, sitting on the couch.

Daniel joined me and handed me a sandwich.

"I wanna smoke" I blurted out of nowhere, making their faces looked shocked.
"Uhh?" I looked around, seeing Daniel with the cutest shocked face.
"You guys!" I slightly yelled, making them laugh.
"Danielll" I whined, biting my sandwich and lowened my posture.
"Yes Sam?" he pecks my cheek, putting an arm around my shoulder.
"I wanna smoke" I repeated.
"Then let's smoke" Daniel chuckled.

I finished my sandwich and stood up to go get water before Daniel and I went outside.


Daniel and I have been smoking for at least twenty minutes now and I couldn't feel any better.

"You know, sometimes I wonder why do I let myself to be sad? Whenever I think about it I realize it's pointless but when i'm in the position, I- I just broke down" I sighed causing smoke come out of my mouth.
"Smoking doesn't really fit you" Daniel frowned then threw his cigar to the distant.
"So does to you and Savannah, Daniel" I throw mine as well.
"I know. Derek just- ugh" he groaned.

I can tell he didn't want any of this to happen.

"Hey, I have a question. D- do you really like what you do? Like, these drugs? Drinking? Cigarettes?" I asked with curiosity.
"No. Not an inch of my organs does. They're dying" he chuckled weakly, shaking his head.
"But do you know what I like?" he then asked, looking at somewhere far.
He looked at me, "You."

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