「22」 「bruises」

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"Have you guys seen Samantha?" I asked the boys.
"No, neither Brooklyn isn't here" Corbyn replied.
"Where's Derek? Isn't today the day we were supposed to sell at clubs?" Zach asked.
"Yeah" Jonah nodded.
"Wait guys, am I the only one that heard those weird sounds coming from the tunnel last night? They were like winces" Jack said.

We all stared at him with confusion.

"Huh?" I asked.
"There were sounds from the tunnel. I heard them when I got water from the fridge" he replied.
"That's scary. What can it be?" Zach said.
"What if it's a who?" I asked.
"You guys are scaring me. Should've not woke up last night" Jack chuckled.
"Let's check the basement right now then" Jonah said.
"Yeah sure" we nodded.

We then walked and saw the door at the other end of the tunnel was closed after the longest time.

"That's weird" Zach slightly titled his head.
"That door haven't been closed since it was made" I nervously chuckled.

We slowly crept through the tunnel.

It suddenly opened.

"Oh hey guys, just preparing the drugs we're selling a little late" Samantha's sudden voice shocked us.
"Geez, I thought you left or something" I pulled her for a hug.

I placed a quick kiss on her forehead before looking at the drugs we were about to sell.

"That's plenty" Jack said.
"Hey guys Derek is just behind us" Zach whispered, making sure he didn't hear us.

We nodded in secret.

"So Derek, tell 'em where do we sell" Sam said and Derek cleard his throat.
"Daniel and Savannah will be together at the club, just selling and the rest will act like normal people drinking as well, but you all will sell as well okay?" he tells us and we nodded.
"Good. They're all set, so get ready to sell" Derek smirked.


"Sam" I grabbed her by the arm, earning a sudden wince from her.
"Ow" she whispered, moving her arm away.
"S- sorry, is there something wrong?" I then asked, concern filling me up.
"Nothing Dani. Anyway, why?" she said.
"There's a couple sitting by the couch, I think we should sell some to them" I suggested.

She then looked around, finding for the couple I said.

"Where?" she asked.
I chuckled, "Here" I pointed at them.

We started to walk closer to them.

I knit my eyebrows, finding the woman familiar.

"Is that—"
"Th- that's Brooklyn" she stuttered.
"What's- why is she here instead of being with us?" I asked confusedly.
"That's the thing" she replied flatly.
"What's the thing?" I asked as if she was stupid.
"She's here instead of being with us" she repeated.

She then started to walk towards Brooklyn and a guy.

Oh no, what is she doing?

Scared on what she might do, I stopped her by grabbing her on the arm again.

"Ow, okay, that one hurt" she takes my hand off of her arm.

I frown.

"Sorry" I then apologized.
"Just let me talk to Brooklyn okay?" she asked calmly and I nodded.

Brooklyn's eyes widen and she stood up for a hug.

Samantha then started to talk to Brooklyn.

They both let out a a couple of giggles before Samantha sneakly handed the packet to Brooklyn.

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