「13」 「noises」

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"Sam, wake up! We're drinking today! Woop woop!" Daniel yelled and danced around weirdly.
"Danieeel" I stretched, waking up.
"Come on baby" he pulled both of my arms up.
"Fine" I giggled.
"Yes!" he kissed my cheek.
"I'll just fix myself" I replied and he left.

I brushed my hair and put my slippers on.

"Wine! Yay!" I clapped as I walked towards the kitchen table.
"Am I gonna get the wine glasses?" Jonah asked.
"Uhh yep" Jack nodded.
"Ok" Jonah replied and got seven wine glasses.
"Woah i'm excited" Zach yelled.
"What if Derek finds out?" I asked, worried.
"He won't and if he did, then he did" Daniel shrugged like it was nothing.

I smack his shoulder and he laughed.

"Alright cheers!" I shouted.
"Woop woop!"

Sounds of glass clicked and we drank the half-filled glasses with wine.

"I am not expecting brutal after-tastes right?" I chuckled.
"It's wine Sam" Daniel chuckled and took another sip.
"Sweet" I said, amused.
"Give Sam another one" Corbyn joked.
"Let me finish this first Corbs" I laughed.

The boys and I finished our drinks after ten or eleven more shots.

I wasn't even paying attention. I was enjoying every moment of it.

"When's the next time can we do this?" I asked.

Suddenly my heartbeat turned fast.

I breathe in and out, calming myself in secret.

"Sam, something wrong?" Daniel asked, rubbing my back.
"Uh nope I- i'm good" I replied.
"We can do this anytime—" Daniel said as he got the empty bottles of wine but then got cut off when the doot swung open.

My greatest nightmare.


"What the hell y'all doing?" he yelled.

Daniel then hides the bottles at his back.

"What is that on your back, Seavey?" he yelled.
"There's nothi—"

Before Daniel could finish his sentence, Derek threw a punch on his face.

"Daniel!" I cup my mouth and held his chin so he would face me.

His nose was bleeding.

"Why did you do that?!" I yelled at Derek.
"Saman—" Daniel got cut off.

I held back my tears and brought Daniel to my room.

"I swear he didn't- ugh geez" I groaned as I dabbed a wet cloth on his nose.
"Ow" he moved his head away.
"Aw s- sorry" I held his chin again.
"Does he punch you all the time? I knew this was gonna happen! I asked you what would happen if he found out and you were chill!" I said.
"He doesn't do it all the time, but when he goes on us in the middle of us drinking then he punches us all" he replied.
"Woah, what an actuall demon" I rolled my eyes.
"Thank you Sam" he moved his head away and looked at me.
"For what?" I asked.
"For this" he smiled.


I went to the bathroom to wash my face, not believing what I saw.

I looked at myself at the mirror but my phone started to ring.

Quickly, I dried my hands and got my phone from my pocket.

"Hey Sav" I said.
"Hey. Any updates?" she asked.
"They were kissing, Sav." I replied.
"No they were not" she gasped in disbelief.
"How can Daniel do- ugh" she groaned.
"They are unbearable I swear! She always gets what's mine" she hissed.
"He gets what's mine either." I blurted out.
"He what?" she asked.

It was a second before I replied.

"I said he gets what's mine" I repeated.
"Who's yours?" she asked.


"I ran out of juul" I sighed, looking over to Zach.
"I still have some" Jack replied.
"Can I have some? Thanks bud" I pat Jack's shoulder without waiting for his reply.
"Wait- fine" he sighed and we laughed.
"Where's Samantha?" Jonah asked as he opened the fridge.
"I'll check on her" I replied then Jonah tossed Fanta sodas to us.
"Thanks bro" I said and opened the can.
"I wanted the grape one" Zach frowned.
"Hey Jack let's switch" he said.
"Nah i'm good with this one" Jack smirked and took a sip.
"Aw man" Zach chuckled and drank his soda.

I stepped upstairs to check on Samantha.

"Hey can you get my juul too?" Jack shouted.
"Sure" I shouted.

There were random noises coming from one of the rooms here.

Somewhere between the bathroom and Sam's room.

I opened the bathroom door and there was nothing.

Confused, I made my way to Samantha's room and opened the door but it was locked.

And there I realized.

Oh God. They did not just did it.

a/n: omg omg we're #55 on Stolen owjewbhs

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