「28」 「mall」

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After a short nap, I woke up and went downstairs and grabbed my self a waterbottle from the fridge.

"Hey Daniel, what do you think?" Jack asked.

I turned around to see his new hair.

"J- Jack! Woah, y- your hair! It's purple now" I exclaimed, almost spitting my water.
"Yeah, does it look good?" he asked, playing with it a bit.
"Looks dope" I nodded.

Zach then steps downstairs.

"Guys I can't stop vapin— Jack! What the hell happened to your hair bro?!" Zach yelled.

Jack and I laughed.

"What do you think?" Jack chuckled.
"It looks good man! Just not used to it but whatever" Zach said, not taking his eyes off Jack's new hair.
"Bet Samantha would be hella shocked" Jonah added.
"Definitely I mean I- I am as well" Corbyn said, to which we laughed at.
"Has Derek seen it?" I asked.
"Yeah, but he was packing" Jack replied.
"Packing?!" we exclaimed.
"He's leaving" Jack said.

We remained silent for a while.

"I just— what?" Zach asked.
"He was probably gonna tell us but I already saw him so" Jack said, sitting on the couch.

We slowly nodded.

"Perfect timing, you guys are all here. Just announcing i'm leaving. I've closed all connections from other people, so we're all safe now. Probably still careful in going out on public, police might catch us. But we're all good. I'm going in a different path from you all. Might go labyrinth but whatever. I'm pretty impressed how you guys are still with me today. If I was you guys i'd leave" he said.

We laughed.

"Anyway, i'd go now. Feels sad to leave this place." he sighed.
"Bye bro" Corbyn said, patting Derek's shoulder.
"Aye good luck man" Zach said.
"Be safe" Jack added.
"Thanks for everything man" I said.
"Sorry for everything, Seavey" he replied.

I shook my head, smiling.

"Drive safe Derek" Jonah said.

Derek put his bags on the back of the car as we stood there, watching him silently.

"I will" he smiled weakly before hopping in his car.

He turns on the engine before speeding off the garage.

I sighed.

"Well, I guess we're free now" I said.
"But why does it feel like we're empty?" Zach asked.

I shrugged.

"What are you guys planning to do?" I asked them.
"I have nothing in mind" Jack said, causing me to chuckle.
"I'd probably visit my family" Corbyn said.
"Same" Jonah nodded.
"Jack and I could turn this place into a club, but like no drugs and girls involved" Zach said.

We laughed dryly.

"Oh dang, Samantha didn't see Derek leave" Jack said.
"I forgot to wake her up" I said.
"She won't care anyways" Corbyn joked.
"Oh yeah I heard you guys will go to Savannah later?" Jonah asked.
"Yeah, I wanna clear everything up to Savannah, and i'll introduce my self to their mom" I replied.

They nodded.

"I'll check up on her" I said and they nodded.

I went upstairs and saw her half awake.

"Sam" I said, gently waking her up.
"Hmm" she sleepily groaned.
"We're going back to your house again" I whispered.
"Oh yeah, i'll be down" she said, to which I nodded at.

I kissed her forehead before leaving the room and going downstairs.


"You ready?" I asked her.
"Yeah" she replied with a shaky breath.
"Don't be nervous, I should be the one who's nervous" I reassure her.
"Are you guys moving there?" Zach frowns.
"No no" she shook her head.

I knit my eyebrows.

"I mean, Daniel isn't" she quickly added.
"You are?" I asked.
"I don't know. Whatever mom tells me, i'd obey it" she replied.

I nodded.

"Okay, i hope we'd be back" I said to the guys.
"It's not that you guys are gonna die or something" Jack chuckled.
"Yeah" Sam nodded.

We exchanged our goodbyes and went in the other car, leaving the garage and exiting the very hidden house.

"Which way?" I asked her, my eyes on the road.
"Umm I forgot oh gosh" she nervously chuckled.
"Relax Sam" I rubbed her thigh.
"What can happen?!" she exclaimed.
"Sh sh, we'll come out alive, don't worry" I chuckled.
"Right" she stated, still nervous.

I took a right as she said.

"Forward then another right" she said.

I did what she said and soon saw the mall.

"That frickin mall" she laughed.
"Would you mind getting ice cream?" I smirked.

She laughed and nodded.

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