「10」 「knife」

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"You- you like me?" I asked, getting boosebumps and feel my face heat up.
"No, not just that. I think I fell in love with you already, Sam. And i'm not kidding. When we first met, you really resembled Savannah. But then as we get along I can tell the differences. I felt really bad because you were here for no reason. You cried. And as the day moves on, we got to know each other. You made me feel somehow, complete." he said softly.

I fold my lips into a line, looking at him in his gorgeous eyes before replying.

"I like you too Daniel. The attention and care you've been giving me since the day I got stuck here was countless, and I wanna thank you-for like the millionth time-for everything. Like seriously Daniel, I love you" I said rapidly before messing everything up.

He stares at my lips until he started to lean in..

And kissed my cheek.

"I'm just so thankful I met you. You're the most pure person I know. Wow" he chuckled, looking down to hide his blushing face.
"Are those true? Because maybe there's something on the cigarette that made us weird and clingy" I laughed awkwardly and so did he.
"You're so adorable. I love you Samantha." he smiled.
"Aw. I love you too Daniel." I peck his lips.
"You being mine is just perfect." he stared at me as if I was the girl of his dreams.
"You're perfect. We're perfect." I said.


I watched as they kiss. It hurted. It hurted a lot. My heart broke into a thousand pieces as I view how happy they were.

By looking at them smile makes me realize how replacable I am for him.

His words and texts were lies. Complete lies.

If she wasn't stolen, Daniel and I could've been happy and peaceful again, just like the old times.

But the fact that you saw your boyfriend kissing your sister hurts a lot different.

Who would want to see that?

He never even lost connection with me. When he said he was going to stop texting and calling me, he didn't. Instead we continued to call and text every four in the morning.

I thought he told Sam that we were together. I thought he told Sam that he was taken. Taken by me.

I blinked, only noticing I was already crying. I looked to the side and ready to leave but then I saw Corbyn.

He looked hurt as well.


I continued to stare at him as he clenched his jaw and hold his fist tightly.

He then left without the two of them knowing and I hid behind the bushes quickly.

I soon left and ran towards the bridge to go back home, failing to visit my boyfriend.

But then as I ran, something just popped in my head and made me think.

Was Corbyn actually holding a knife?

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